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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It's sad what's happening over there. I recall reading about the low infection rates there last year and then now... Let's hope they get that situation under control to stem the loss of life.

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They say the second generation of these viruses is where the read danger lies. The newer strains can be of greater impact than the previous ones. That is scary. Let's hope the Indians can come through this okay.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My question is whether or not the vaccines will work on the 2nd strain and whether or not it is the 2nd wave of lockdowns for us in the US.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

From what I understand, it will not. The second strains are different and most of the vaccines are targeted.

But who knows. I saw that some are saying that more than two shots are going to be required since some of this will not last long.

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The problem is they have no freaking clue if it will work on other strains or whether multiple booster shots will be required or not. They keep reminding us dummies it's the NOVEL Corona Virus.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I recall reading about the low infection rates there last year

Ground reality is totally different. Even last year the numbers were fudged and you can 2x-3x them easily to get the real picture.

This year, you can 10x the official numbers!!! The government is hiding the data.

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