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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Crypto Market Cap Back At $2T (08/12/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Wow. Bad news guys.

Less than ten minutes ago, I posted a short test post to this account on LeoFinance and it doesn't show up on LeoFinance OR Hive.

I usually select the radio button "Auto Reblog" and did so now. I can see the reblog on Hiveblocks, but it isn't showing up on either site. This means I cannot blog AT ALL from this account.

I don't know if my main account evernoticethat is also affected. I did send Khal (I assume he runs LeoFinance?) a DM in the LF Tech Support channel a few days ago and will wait to see if he responds. Wow.

Flauwy tried to help, but none of his suggestions worked and Jon G Olson was nice but said he couldn't assist, they were the only ones that responded to me in Discord.

Since the latest update, I've had nothing but trouble.

I can reblog posts by others. but cannot publish my own.

They told me this is a known bug and I've seen that other people are also having problems with their posts not showing up. I just hope this doesn't chase me off Hive as I love creating content here.

So, if for some reason you don't see me stopping in LeoMarketTalk anymore, it's directly as a result of this. First my ability to post goes away, is my ability to comment going next? If I'm unable to post or comment in the future, I'll just say it's been a real pleasure to spend these few months with you all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I haven't seen any issues with commenting and I haven't been making as many posts in LeoFinance so I would not know. I do know that @taskmaster4450le is making quite a few posts so maybe you can get any idea on how to schedule or put up posts without issues?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I havent had any problems with posts.

Lost a couple comments here and there, maybe once every two days but nothing overwhelming.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

UPDATE: Just heard back from Khal in Discord and it turns out Melbourne's hunch was right. In my last published post: "A Note about Twitter" I wrote about how people were tiring their audiences out and getting the negative attention of Twitter with endless Hive promotional tweets and that I fold in my mentions and retweets of Hive posts naturally so as not to overwhelm Twitter.

In passing, I mentioned how I was tiring of seeing the constant red branding of the endless daily Actift (I don't even want to spell the whole word out) posts and tweets and how when I used to make my posts about it, I did it weekly instead of daily and used my own pics and titles so it didn't even look like the typical Actift post.

Since I mentioned Actift in the post, I used the Actift tag. Khal just told me that tag is filtered on LeoFinance because so many people spam those daily posts and it's considered "report card spam." I agree and had no idea until he told me. So Melbourne west's guess was right. I didn't know we had a banned tag on LeoFinance, but I can understand as even I was getting tired of the endless daily Actift posts. So whatever you do, don't use that tag.

If anyone knows of anymore tags that are banned please let me know. I don't recall seeing an announcement post about it.

Now, I told him my test post uploaded earlier, used no tags at all and doesn't show up. I sent him the Hiveblocks link showing the attempted LeoFinance reblog, so maybe I'll try and upload it again. Just hope my account wasn't flagged or anything.

It's just so good to finally know what's going on, and that maybe I can continue creating content on LeoFinance and Hive. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah there are some tags that are banned to keep the site clean. Actifit (you can spell it out in a comment) are very short posts.

I personally think all DBuzz posts should be banned from Leofinance also since it is a long form site.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Happy to hear that we've finally figured out what it is and its getting fixed.

Looking forward to reading your LeoFinance content again :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is no reason that this should be happening...

Have you gone to settings and switched through all of the different nodes, trying each?

Have you tried posting on a different account?

Even tried things like using different browsers to post?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good point. Always try different nodes with any issues. That is the first step.

Be sure to change in the app along with Keychain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

tt sucks man. I am not sure why this is happening but don't you worry because we have other front ends to publish. I hope they are working for you.

The only problem is that you need to pay 20% tax on your Leo rewards if you use other front-ends.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Never saw anything like that.. I hope you can get it fixed though so you can stick around

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta