The Struggle to Maintain a Balance between the Virtual World and Real Life

in LeoFinance17 days ago (edited)


I must confess that I am a different person entirely in the virtual world. This doesn't mean that I wanted to hide my identity, otherwise, I would not have my real picture on my profile. The virtual world has a way of pushing someone to become what they never really wanted to be. That's where the struggle begins.

When I joined the virtual community as a writer 6 years ago, my intention was to establish myself in a niche around what I do in real life. However, the buzz on the internet gradually pushed me away from that purpose to follow the alluring of popular demand and trending topics that drive attention and the big payout.

I succeeded in establishing myself online while following popular demands and the big payouts came in quite a good number of times, but this was actually when the greatest struggling to maintain the same identity between the virtual world and real life. This may sound funny, but read on to know why I said so.

In the real world, I am known and respected as a pastor and a businessman. But in the virtual world, those who know me think of me as a crypto savvy person, because most of my blogs are on crypto subjects. Interestingly, I found myself torn between two parallel worlds that cannot agree together.

My online activities have no place in my real life setting, and because of my field of profession, it's almost an abomination to talk about things related to crypto, and in fact, online work in general. And this is where I make most of my income. Do you see my struggle? My activities and success in the virtual world completely overshadowed what I do in real life.

It is hard to maintain a balance in this situation, because one side gives you income, while the other gives a name among friends and relatives. Striving for a name is good, but without income you can't remain relevant. Moreover, I try as much as possible to keep my online activities away from the people I know in real life. These include, family relatives, friends and colleagues. The only people that are privy to my virtual world activities and identity are my personal family members - my wife and kids.

On Facebook, I have about 3 accounts. The main account where I share about my real life activities is where I keep people I knew in real life as friends. On the other accounts I use for promoting my online activities, I ensure that I don't have anyone who knows me in real life as a friend. With those accounts, I can post crypto stuff and referral things. In this way, I keep my online activities in private from the people who know me in real life.

But, the struggle is more than just keeping multiple Facebook accounts for privacy purposes. I spend more time online than I do real life activities to the extent that I almost become useless to friends and relatives. You won't find me outside with friends or visiting anyone. I spend my time hopping sitting glued to my laptop or with my phone looking for new earning opportunities, while at the same time writing and engaging on platforms.

It's a torned world for me indeed!

Blogging is rewarding, especially when you are doing it full time without having any other obligations in the real world. And, it's more rewarding when you blog around the things you do in real life.

Blogging as a crypto writer contradicts my real life profession. But, yet I can't give it up because of what people might think when they discover the things I have been writing about all these years. I have developed a skill that I can't just abandon because I want to keep face with friends and relatives.

My life online has been about crypto and investing stuff. You know how much time and attention is needed for monitoring and following up on your investment for profit maximization.

So, I got myself a life and a job here, while I try as much as possible to remain relevant and available for my family and friends in the real world.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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