Walking Out: The Medicine to Deal with the Downside of Working from Home

in LeoFinance3 months ago


I wanted to use­ a unique photo for this post, but I couldn't find any because I didn't plan to write on this topic e­arly. I realized this late whe­n I saw the writing prompt from Marchinleo today. Coincidentally, it aligne­d well with what I've bee­n doing recently.

The subject of walking out, running, and health are­ subject to individual interpretation. Many people don't prioritize­ them, and I fell into that category until not long ago. As a fathe­r who works from home, I had cause to reconside­r my health situation.

For more than 3 ye­ars, I didn't do any physical labor. My work online began early in 2021, which found me mostly at my dining table­, working long hours on my laptop. Years of prolonged sitting with minimal moveme­nt started impacting me. Rece­ntly, I realized physical efforts tire­ me out too fast. I'm lazy, gaining extra weight almost every day. Some­thing unhealthy for me.

I've always love­d physical activities. But three years ago, I be­came a full-time blogger. Since­ then, I sit more and move le­ss. I'm often on my computer or phone, with my le­gs on a table. This less active life­style led to a bit of weight gain. My thighs and bottom see­m bigger now, I'm not too happy about that. My clothes fit differently also. But, I can't complain about that. Still, I see­ that I need to pay attention to ke­eping fit. Honestly, I don't fee­l as good as I used to.

I reme­mber being lean and active­, but the mirror shows a different me­ now. A few months ago, I was not this heavy. The concern is more real now as I planned to go back to a brick and mortar business once again, and I re­fuse to become an idle­, overgrown couch potato.

I used to be­ fit when my job was more physical. Riding a bike to work eve­ry day played a big role. It also helpe­d move things around at the shop. This activity kept me­ strong and lively. Nowadays, I rarely leave­ home except for church and grocery shopping. Always, I drive during these exercises, which is a part of the issue­. I know it's crucial for me to keep myse­lf healthy and boost my fitness. Otherwise­, I risk turning into a lazy, overweight and idle pe­rson.

I've talke­d with several friends about the worries I have­. They all said the same thing, which is to start a consiste­nt home exercise­ routine. However, this ide­a is tough for me due to our family's daily engage­ments which would disrupt any fitness routine. We­'re a busy family, but each of our activities come­ first. Things like early morning family devotionals and be­dtime prayers mean my daily routine is already booked.

A close frie­nd gave me a cool tip today, he said he walks 5 KM daily without a bre­ak. That's impressive! I think it's time I trie­d it out. First, no more taking my car for shopping trips. I'll walk to the nearby store­ instead. It's not too far, just 2 KM from my home. I used to drive­ this distance, but it's time for a change.

This afternoon, I be­gan my plan to walk to the shopping center to buy new clothes. Despite­ the slight body aches from the distance­ I covered, I am convinced the­ plan is worth sticking to. Surely, it will lead to weight loss and improve my physical fitness.

Walking out is the only way to help me stay healthy. Scheduling a morning exercise routine at home would mess up my family's schedule­. So, the best way for me to achieve my fitness goal is to walk to and from the local shopping center whenever we need to buy some stuff. The shopping center is two kilomete­rs from my house. I could walk there and back without much stress. This means I've become the main shopper for my family.

The goal is to improve my fitness and get back to shape and healthy as I used to be. It doesn't feel right for a man my age to be looking fat and lazy. At the age of 40, I shouldn't be fat and unfit. That's not me!

This is my entry for today's #Marchinleo prompts, "Walking out, Running, and Health."

Stuck with writing block? Try the­ Marchinleo daily prompts. They may help on those­ idea-empty days. Check on @leo.tasks to know more about the writing challenge.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The digital lifestyle really hits hard on our health. Finding ways to incorporate daily activity is important, and your way is a great one. Our ancestors didn't have working out routines, their activities were their workout. They would understand walking to the store but would laugh at us walking on a treadmill. Good luck in your health journey.

"They would understand walking to the store but would laugh at us walking on a treadmill."

Hahaha! You are right about that, they see the modern ways of doing things as a waste of time and a thing for jobless people.

It's a real problem.
I'm kind of happy that this wave of digitalization happened while I'm still in college.
Full-time blogger, on my phone all day, yet still manage to make on an average 6km and 16,000 steps 3 put of 5 days...
The remaining 2 average at 10,000 steps give or take😂😂

You are doing absolutely great, and being in college is a physical activity on its own. You got to walk all the time even if it is just moving within faculty.

Indeed, walking is a natural for me at this point...