
Very true

When I was younger I was addicted to it... I would drink like a litter every day. I'm glad I quit before it was too late or I could have acquired some real health problems over time

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Same here man. I used to drink them like crazy until I quit drinking them a few years ago. I still drink sugary drinks but not much of a Coke fan.

Most of us are addicted to sugar I guess. If not coke then something else.

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Most of what people consume fits into that category. We are filled up with stuff that is high in sugar and salt.

Yet people still consume like it is nothing.

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I'd be lying if I say I don't like sugary drinks. But I realize how harmful they are to our health so I keep them to a minimum.

We need more awareness about the harmful effects of it and dramas like these help a bit I think.

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