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RE: How to make money blogging, fast

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Blogging is hard! Churning out long-form content every day for years to get small success is not worth it. Leo Finance is a great place for anyone to start their blogging journey if they like to create Finance & Crypto content. Earn more than 1 token with a single post, how cool is that. 😁

Nice one @forexbrokr. You have covered enough details to explain how rewards work! Publishing content every day gives out daily rewards. And they compound fast! That's why I also try to keep up the pace.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The fact you can compound your rewards by staking them and then using them to also curate, is something I didn't go into as much detail as I could have.

When it comes to making money anywhere, you can never underestimate the power of compounding and LeoFinance makes it easy.

If you don't need to withdraw your money fast, then stake all of your rewards and watch your earnings compound.

Very cool :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta