
Isn't anime porn?

Asking for a friend.

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Death note was more of a mystery where there were a bunch of smart people trying to outsmart each other. Basically people die when you write their name in a notebook so the detectives and criminal fight each other out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was brilliant but the ending was not so satisfying. Not for me, at least.

I don't like it when everyone dies, especially when one of them is the main protagonist. But the world is not a happy place. :D

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That's called 'Hentai' I guess. 😂

My friend told me just now!

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Lol. It depends on what you would like to watch. Personally I like the mystery section since the other world stuff seems like something people would hate or like.

I think I would suggest Erased if you like Death Note. Its not as crazy with people dying left and right though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation. I will have a good look!!!

Btw I love Mystery, Action, Crime, and everything in between.

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