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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Do you read manga, web/light novels or watch anime?

It is one of my hobbies to do during my free time and I tend to read manga and novels lately. I haven't been keeping up with my anime.

You would be surprised at how many mangas/animes have a novel version of it and my source of finding the translated version is

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After my marathon on Star Wars I now have a bit of time to get back to my anime. I have a lot to catch up lol I prefer anime to manga but is good to know good places to check on manga :)

Lol. I tend to go to the aggregate sites for most things so I don't think I am the best person to ask.

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The only Anime I have ever watched is Death Note. And it was mind blowing. Never ready got into it again but I would love to. Please suggest some.

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Isn't anime porn?

Asking for a friend.

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Death note was more of a mystery where there were a bunch of smart people trying to outsmart each other. Basically people die when you write their name in a notebook so the detectives and criminal fight each other out.

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It was brilliant but the ending was not so satisfying. Not for me, at least.

I don't like it when everyone dies, especially when one of them is the main protagonist. But the world is not a happy place. :D

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That's called 'Hentai' I guess. 😂

My friend told me just now!

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Lol. It depends on what you would like to watch. Personally I like the mystery section since the other world stuff seems like something people would hate or like.

I think I would suggest Erased if you like Death Note. Its not as crazy with people dying left and right though.

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Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation. I will have a good look!!!

Btw I love Mystery, Action, Crime, and everything in between.

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I've seen one film, but don't really know much about it. My friend got really embarrassed when I asked him about his hentai collection (which he doesn't have). I thought it was just another word for manga! lol

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Hentai is a weird thing and I honestly don't understand some of the fetishes they have. One of which is tentacles which seems gross to me.

Though I did spend BTC on a game called HentaiVerse before. It was a fun experiment when I was delving into the space.

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I had no idea what the word meant, but the smile and the color change in his face made me wonder if I'd made a huge faux pas.

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Do you know what the word means now? Its essentially the anime word for the porn category. It wasn't really my thing and I couldn't get use to all the fetishes that the Japanese people had.

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Yes, I know now! lol

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There is an app called Hendroid that my friend swears by.

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No I do not. I tend not to have any free time. LOL

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I read every night before bed. These days I'm lucky to read a few pages before I fall asleep but I'm working my way (very slowly) through Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Thousands of pages....gonna take a couple years. lol

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That sure is a long book if you are only reading a few pages a day so good luck.

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well i am thinking about starting castlevania on favourite anime would be death note. haven't had time to watch any of late. i find it hard to watch movie.

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I haven't watched Castlevania as I never really got into the game series but I have also been slacking on my anime as well.

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