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RE: The Ultimate Savings Account.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This is not a mistake. This is a pretty smart move considering the number of airdrops coming our way. With each airdrop CUB will become more valuable and hopefully, the demand will rise.

I want to hit 10k HP so that I would be able to do the same. Whenever I want to throw in a $1000 into something, just power down some of the HP and do it.

All the best JK. Keep stacking :'))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yup, everyone has their own goals and plans, and are at different stages. For me, I have overlooked CUB for a while, but have shifted my strategy to make it a core component for the long run.

Good luck with the HP, sounds like a real solid base to grow from.

My entire crypto portfolio has been built from HIVE and LEO earnings, pretty cool really when you think about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta