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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-28 04:40

in LeoFinancelast year

Considering the challenging economic situation in most places, how many kids is ideal for a modern family? Always a personal decision, isn't it? What if there are many kids in a family? @sperosamuel15 takes a look at this issue.



If in China, only one kid otherwise 2 kids better

That looks cool. A way to make sure the family size is controlled, right?

the govt should not decide this

I'm not in support of them deciding that also but I feel it's a decision we all have to make

like yu said its really a personal issue bt i think there should be criterias that guide us in making such decision despite its personal to decide...
if you can not take care of 5 children you shouldnt give birth to 5 children...

Sure, because eventually those kids would be forced to start taking care of themselves at an early age. Could lead to abuse.

very true makes sense

Exactly.... It's really that simple.
I don't know why people are doing competition with childbirth

this should be a personal choice

I feel that way too. Although it is sad to seem kids neglected because the parents are not economically fine to provide for them materially.

It's meant to be but then people are making us think otherwise

How do you view a couple that continued to have many kids even when they could not care for them well? #gosh

At the age of 30, a lady already had 9 children and I heard that she have had yet another child. How will she feed and cloth them all? Very hard! Her husband still at that age bracket. Will having more kids, I asked.. No satisfying answer

Its really a sad situation mostly for the kids that will lack basic necessities of life. While childbearing is a personal issue, couples should always consider the life they have planned for their kids

My problem with her is that at this civilized ages, she still behaved proudly and boast of the kids.

I view them as people who like trouble, because when a couple gave birth to more children than there can care for they are bringing problem to them self and I have never seen where w couple received award because of many children

Am telling you. Making those children suffer a lot in the process too.

No be small trouble my brother..for this economy oh😅😅

*It is God that gives Children". So many couples have used this saying to mass produce children they cannot take care of, that's foolishness. God gives, yes but He also gave us the wisdom to direct us in child bearing.

Mass production, hahahaha. But then, I dont see why they do it. I have many of them around the neighborhood. A couple close to me has 7 children and now one of the daughters is pregnant from

That's one of the repercussions of giving birth to too much children.....
You can't even train them properly and they become their advisors at an early stage.

It's easier to lose ways, now just imagine, the daughter is already pregnant, you didn't say but I obviously know she's yet to be married... 90% sure.

Do you know what happens next?

She's forced into marriage without any skills, next she's selling pepper and then the children are begging.

It's very very annoying 🤧🤧

Don't mind them 🤧

Hehe... I really appreciate man

As for the question, I wouldn't really say there's an ideal number for every family.

It all depends on the financial strength of the family but even at that, if I'm meant to set a number, I'll say a maximum of 4 regardless of how rich you are