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RE: LeoThread 1.17

in LeoFinance2 years ago

#gmfrens 😵🟩

Can't wait to go through the LEO richlist and see who made a move on #lpud.

Did you increase your LEO stake?




Did you power up today? 🦁

Nope, I don't have much to power up 😅

Well, there's always next month ;)

Don't forget that to be eligible for a 10K+ delegation, you need to buy and power up only $10 worth of LEO.

Delegations that will help you stack FAST by earning bigger curation rewards.

Yep. Added about 4,800 LEO.


That's surely going to be one of the biggest power ups of the day :)

I’m about to!

Leading from the front.

We love to see it! 🦁🦁

30 minutes!! Tick tock!!

Blow it out!!

Yep! By 10K :-0
my biggest stake in a long long time! I'd like to see us hit 300k!!!

That's a 25% increase in your stack, yeah?


Yeah. Got a wild compulsion all of the sudden ;-)

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I Will do that next time above 30%