
That's a nice pool! I was never a good swimmer myself

Pretty cool that our apartment block has it.

Stupid of me that it took living here 2 years before I used it for the 1st time!

That looks so relaxing

Was relaxing...

...then tiring...

...then relaxing again :)

In true Zealy fashion, I’ll come back and reply with a number for every lap I swim.

Gotta hit those #metrics!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Don't know what was more tiring.

Swimming the 30 laps.

Or spamming you guys with 30 threads.

Also bullshit that not all of my threads actually went through.

I didn't skip laps.

The platform just doesn't work.