
Congratulations to you dear friend

Thanks mate!

Oh dang! That's HUGE! Might be worth $15 each in Q4 that's a cool $300 (that's my own speculation of course)

So you don't think I should open them?

But I want tooooo 😢😢.

I mean... you could

But what if there's a super rare card inside and I never find out?!

Like there was ever a doubt that this degen wasn't going to open them 😂.

For best results do I need to also buy Legendary and Alchemy potions?

Any advice for this #splinterlands n00b would be great.


If you want some good advice on cards and strategy, then follow @bulldog1205 and @hawks21

Appreciate that!

Cheers for the recommendations.

Both look to have content on the tokenomics of the game's economy - Just what I like :)

You’re welcome 😊


Do I need potions to maximise my chances of good cards?

Any idea on what's the best strategy for opening them lol?

Well yeah, you need potions. But you could just HODL the cards as is.

Even if I'm sacrificing 3x in a few months just by holding the token as is, I think I HAVE to open them.

nope. not transferable. lol.

I will HODL them till forever and one day they'll be worth a something.

Haha damn, thanks anyway.

Get the potions.

If they are transferable I will send some your way.

I have bunches.

Now that is awesome!
Hell yeah open them:)

Do you play Splinterlands?

Should I be buying potions to maximise my chances for good cards before I open the packs?

I would get potions yes so that you give yourself better odds. However I am not a Splinterlands expert, so I would seek an answer from someone in the know!

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damn that's awesome!

Help, what should I do now?

Do I need potions to maximise my chances of good cards?

Potions. Shit loads of potions.

Also I'm a splinter noob so you know

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