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RE: LeoThread 1.17

in LeoFinance • 2 years ago

Can't see the GM tokens you're earning for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads?

This thread (1/🧵) will walk you through how to view them in your WAX cloud wallet.

😵🟩 #forexbrokr


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @l337m45732 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Essentially, you can't see your GM in the tokens section of your WAX cloud wallet because you haven't added it as a custom token yet.


PS. It seems (3/🧵) isn't displaying via the threads interface.

Here are the deets you need: 1

I have done my GM for today, will check my wax later. Thanks for the explenation.

No worries :)

Just add the custom token and you'll be good!

Holy shit! It's so cool to see people actually doing shit with GM. Even if it's just mining. Thanks for creating this little guide!


Build it and the people will come.

Now the actual building starts. It's guns be super weird.

Open your WAX Cloud Wallet dashboard.

  1. Click view all tokens
  2. Click add custom token
  3. Fill in the details

(3/🧵) 1

Approve the transaction and when you refresh the page you will now see the GM tokens you're earning for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

(4/🧵) 2

That's it!

Start earning GM tokens by saying #gmfrens every morning (heck or night, be weird!).

Check out the official GM paper for more.
