
Cheap cheap at the moment

cheap cheap...

That is true although some of the people powering up might need the RCs. I doubt most are thinking that but it is going to be important for smaller accounts.

Stop talking rationally, this is the internet! 😉

Honestly though, it's been an eye opener to see people even with like 100+ HP, still complaining about having no RCs thanks to Threads.

What happens to $HIVE when Threads hits 500K+ MAUs?

Buying LEO with HBD is the best strategy.

Still gotta sell that $HBD into $HIVE first 😉.

For me, I see a higher return in a shorter time frame on $LEO than $HIVE.

I think it an easy 4x from these levels without too much difficulty.

It's like missed HIVE at 0.12, no problem, U have another chance in LEO, buy LEO at 0.05 to reap the same benefit.

I believe $LEO is going to change a lot of things. A nice multiple ahead in my opinion.

It will completely change the outlook on Hive if there is a massively successful layer 2 token.

Yes exactly, contrary to what many other apps and L2 coins in the Hive ecosystem are, it is LEO who is actually offering fresh impetus to Hive for its growth.

Leofinance is applying biz principles of building things. This is important. I look around at the other layer 2 stuff and I am like what have you done in 2 years?

The answer is self evident.

True. Sustainability should come from the L2 solutions and projects to make Hive grand and all-encompassing.

It should not be a one-way street all the time. That's like milking the values of Hive for nothing.

Without a doubt. People are going to realize how powerful layer 2 when there are a number millionaires created. That will change the dynamic completely and put others in a totally different mindset.

I actually agree (and my wallet reflects this opinion).

With and leo.voter revenue now being pumped back into $LEO, it's a no brainer.

Just look at the buy walls in the order book.

Gotta hit ask price eventually!

Doing a just a 100 $HIVE power up?

That could be a 700 $LEO power up!
