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RE: Why We Need To Promote Other Coins On Leo

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The More The Better

I know we're just starting out and it will come with time, but those with big stake need to stop rewarding content that is designed to be read within our own echo-chamber, and start rewarding content that is designed to be shared with the greater finance community outside of Hive.

Like you've said here, content that actually talks about finance. Whether that be other crypto projects, analysis, news etc. All that matters is that it either contains long term SEO value for the domain, or it can be shilled on social media, reddit and the like.

All Coins Welcome (But Please No Competitors)

While I agree that it's gross seeing people shilling competitors, or just any of those pure ad posts full of affiliate links, we have to be careful saying no competitors.

It has a very Tron/Steem feel to it, doesn't it?

Instead, freedom of speech should be encouraged, but the community needs to have some sort of 'accepted rules' where that sort of content won't get upvoted by the big players (because it's bad for their investment), and therefore just swept aside.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I fully agree we need to avoid an echo-chamber and tailor our content in a way for all readers. Even if it is about Leo you can still try to word it in a way to appeal to people who are not knowledgeable about Leo.

Yeah I'm not saying you can't talk about other projects or mute anyone, just saying I don't like people using one platform as a means of siphoning users off to another site. I added that that is just my rules that I try not to shill sites that would be direct competitors, and I'm not going to attack people from posting about other sites if they choose to.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta