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RE: Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 5 years!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

wooooooooowwwwwwww! 5 years... what a number! Puzzles me just to think 4 is coming to me too soon.

635 are in this blockchain since the very beginning... wow!


Time flies :)

I wonder if these 635 are active?

I am guessing by a good rule of thumb that maybe 10% or less... by looking at the first page:

You are probably right. Many of these accounts are Steem based or are generated to reserve common keywords too.

I won't check them. It would be a waste of time :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah.. don't do that... I was just making a statistical guess point. It's useless to look at the past if not to track down historical data for a certain objective.