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RE: Great start to the new week as HIVE blasts past 50c!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I like to remind people that "back when I was young" I considered 30,000 Sats to be a "good accumulation zone to pick up cheap STEEM" after it had previously been hitting 100,000 Sats.

If we get back to the "low" price of 30,000 sats, the USD value would be $17,5 if Bitcoin stays the same. That should give some perspective.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A few more grey hairs since that happened right?! 😆

I don't think I ever knew STEEM to be that high, think I started buying around the 640-2400 sats range but yeah, that does put things in to perspective. 30k sats is a dream for me but who knows what may happen in this crazy bull market!