
Yes but you are contributing to the well being of others in a positive manner which can have a lasting impact upon one's life.

I, on the other hand, am just a sexual fantasy in the minds of people that ends with....well, ack to threads.

Don't discount the health benefits of... well, "getting back to threads!"

There seems to be disagreement on the health benefits of not or consistently...getting back to threads.

It's certainly possible for certain people to... get back to threads more frequently than they should. Like anything in life, too much of a good thing can be dangerous! Yes, even free compliments.

Free compliments doesnt require lube like too much threads. The hands can get sore.

Jokes aside, there was a time when I put so much effort into helping people that it came at a personal cost, and I had to pause for quite a while. This type of commitment is beyond the means of one person. Altruism isn't free by any means!

Nope it isnt. Especially since there are so many who are looking for a hand out and not a hand up.

It is easy to get taken and keep giving while others are sponging.