Advertising in Web3 versus Web2

in LeoFinancelast year

At the beginning of this week, Leofinance launched its new interface on the main website (previously accessible on the alpha subdomain).

With it, a number of updates were rolled out, among them being the native Leofinance advertisements, which should be included among the regular #threads.

I've read or heard Khal say there should be 1 every 10 regular threads.

Well... I haven't found any, and I looked for them on purpose. I also asked my co-national @acesontop, and he says he doesn't see any ads on Brave, but these should be native to Leofinance and probably not caught by the Brave shields, if I'm right. I used Firefox.

The reason I asked Adrian if he saw any was to check if the ads are geo-targeted. I'm not convinced, since he said he doesn't see any ads at all, not necessarily on Leofinance.


It might be a bug or they might be geo-targeted, or there might be something else.

But this is a point I was trying to get to regarding advertising on Web3 versus Web2.

In Web2, geo-targeted ads are almost the norm. And ad tariffs are based on the tier of the countries you want to target.

It's one price to target the US, Western Europe, and a few other well-developed countries with the same "profile" of users, it's another (lower) to target Eastern Europe, and probably another to target Africa or South America.

I believe geo-targeting still has a reason to be used in some situations:

  • when advertising physical locations
  • when distribution networks and logistics are a factor
  • when advertising regional websites, particularly written in a language not spoken by many worldwide

Worldwide websites, written in English or with multilingual support, should move toward a new way of targeting who they advertise to, in my opinion.

In Web3, location becomes much less important than in Web2.

What is added in Web3 and is not taken advantage of (for advertising at least), is the financial aspect, which is generally public information (hmm!).

If we are talking about a worldwide website and services, why would it matter if a customer is from the US, China, or Venezuela? For Web3 reasons, it doesn't matter at all. For compliance reasons with the restrictive legislation in each of those countries, it might still matter.

For Web3, what matters is the stake of the account. And its reputation, where appliable.

What is the reason advertisers promote online to potential customers of top-tier countries, even when geo-location is not relevant? Because they convert those ads into sales easier since the audience has more money to spend online, on average. Or at least that's the reason I could find.

But the internet is borderless. One way to gauge someone's likelihood to spend money in Web3 is by his account stake on the platform where the ad is placed.

This could work for Leofinance ads in the future. Since reputation has a meaning on Hive (even if it isn't a great metric), this can be used as a filter too.

From the user's side, maybe a user should need a minimum $LEO stake (not too high) if he or she wants ads disabled. The incentive is, that once he or she is a stakeholder, the user will receive a share of the ad revenue, That's a reason to keep ads on. And if that's not a strong enough reason, maybe ad revenue should be distributed only to stakeholders who didn't turn ads off. Turning them back on would make them eligible for ad revenue sharing again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I personally don't like the Leofinance's new UI, I don't know why, it's not easy to use or I'm the only one getting problem?

With Threads, I was already familiarized, and I believe it's pretty good. It can be improved, like everything. But my focus is on the long-form part and there it's where I'd like to see some improvements sooner rather than later.

Are ads turned off if you have LEO staked? I never really noticed them at all on my UI. So I am not sure what to make of it and I don't visit the threads too often.

Maybe they had a bug and turned them off? Khal said they are on. I didn't see any either. And no, currently they aren't filtered/turned on/off by stake, as far as I know.

yes, that sounds like a good option. ads can be annoying, but u should be able to pay to have no ads if desired.

I'd consider having a minimum LEO stake a better option than paying to have the option to turn off ads. Because the stake is yours and you can still unstake at any time, plus you enjoy the benefits of having the stake.

This UI is fine. It has quite a fair bit of twitter feel in it.

Yeah, that's what they wanted. To remove the learning curve for people joining from traditional social media platforms (particularly Twitter).

I have been using threads this whole day and have seen 2 ads only.

You might have missed cuz ads are like another normal Thread but yea haven't seen much.

In Web3, location becomes much less important than in Web2.

That's true.

Interesting idea to disable ads and benefiting stakeholders... I guess buybacks or Leo burn will be placed with generated ads revenue which is going to be good for $LEO and holders... Let's see how it's going to evolve in coming time.

I have been using threads this whole day and have seen 2 ads only.

In this case, it makes sense. I was only using Threads for a short while.

I guess buybacks or Leo burn will be placed with generated ads revenue which is going to be good for $LEO and holders...

Yep, a lot can be built on the ads system that the LEO holders could benefit from.

I first read about distributing ad revenue to Web 3 users in the Pi Network whitepaper, but I never stumbled upon the idea of the significance of staking in relation to ad revenue distribution.

Leofinance will distribute ad revenue based on staked LEO. It's like distributing dividends. The more shares you have the higher the dividends.

Curious to see ads appearing on LeoFinance.

As far as I know, they are already added.

How come I don't see ads?

I saw others say, like you and me, they don't see any ads. Maybe there was a bug and they pulled them out for now. Or maybe they are very rare. They should be among the regular threads, looking almost like regular threads, so harder to spot.

hmmm. . . If it looks like regular threads, that is something new. Very creative in showing ads.

i think i have seen some ads.but with the current UI, i havent seen any ads

Oh yeah, with the other UI, I saw ads too. The last time I saw ads on Leofinance Alpha, was when they added them as a thread at the top of threads (Khal said this was a bug).



Important update. That's great.

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