My Hive Goals (Week 30, 2023)

in LeoFinance10 months ago

This is a short sum-up table with the state of my goals in easier TLDR form. The table has only some information, so if you want details, they can be found in the post.

Current State/Other Selection CriterionGoals Matching the Criterion
Ongoing5 (HP + HBD Savings, LEO Staked, Comments Made, DEC Saved 2 - Stage 2, Cards for Staking on Land - Stage 2)
Completed Main Goals0
Completed Goals3 (DEC-B Saved, DEC Saving 2 - Stage 1, Cards for Staking on Land - Stage 1)
Main goals3 (HP + HBD Savings, LEO Staked, Comments Made)
Goals2 (Cards for Staking on Land, DEC Saved 2)
New Goals2 (Cards for Staking on Land, DEC Saved 2)
Increased Goals3 (HBD target for HP+HBD Main Goal - twice, DEC-B Saved)
Decreased Goals2 (Comments Made, Cards for Staking on Land - Stage 1)


I include a link to the initial goal-setting post for 2023, for reference, if needed.

Two elements influence this week's report:

  • Tomorrow is HPUD, and that is when I will power up my regular monthly HIVE batch
  • HiveSQL seems to be under some longer than normal maintenance and many services depend on it (arcange's websites for sure), so I couldn't check my number of comments for this week (at least not in a way that is consistent and comparable with the way I do it every week)

I had a mini-goal to make at least 100 comments and threads this week. Unfortunately, I can't check that easily on hivebuzz, but I think I made it. The last available info is from a few days ago and I was at around 70 then. Since then I made both comments and threads, and I'm pretty sure I got over 100. But to speak more accurately, I think I'll play double or nothing here, and extend the mini-goal for another week, where I should have at the end a minimum of 200 comments and threads compared to last week (so still 100 per week).

Let's see what has changed since last week regarding my Hive goals.

HIVE Power (HP) + HBD in Savings Main Goal

My staked HIVE reached 32,159 HP this week, and I'm waiting to power up another 1k HIVE tomorrow. I added a bit into my savings this week to round them up to 210 HBD.

Here's what the evolution of the HP+HBD goal looks like (60% is pretty good, and that's what I'm expecting to reach 100% this year):


I'll need to have one of the targets (HBD or HIVE) reached to consider this goal completed.

If a target becomes too easy, I may increase the target, but not forever. Just like the market can play against your targets, they can play in their favor too.

LEO Staked Main Goal

I staked 160 LEO last week, including almost 60 LEO purchased, and reached 16,660 LP.


I made a calculation, and it looks like I'd need to stake 266 LEO weekly in the current situation to reach the target by the year-end.

Splinterlands Land Expansion Main Focus

Land expansion's main focus extends throughout 2023. Unless I change the strategy, it will be the only main focus / main goal for Splinterlands in 2023. But there will be several 1-3 months goals.

First Land-Related Goal: DEC/DEC-B Saved - Completed

This goal is COMPLETED.

Deadline (passed): When DEC-B offer runs out, either because all were sold out or because the time limit was reached (April 9th).

Target to consider the goal completed: 1.5 mil. DEC-B saved. Done!

DEC Saved 2 Goal - Stage 1 Completed

[COMPLETED] Deadline stage 1: June
Deadline stage 2: August
Deadline stage 3: End of 2023?

Target to consider the goal completed:

  • stage 1: 1.2m DEC (COMPLETED)
  • stage 2: 2.2 DEC (1m additional DEC)
  • stage 3: 5 DEC (2.8m additional DEC)

Current situation: 1.2m DEC (liquid) and 83k DEC x 2 = 166k DEC in SPS:DEC diesel pool.

New Land-Related Goal: Cards for Staking on Land Stage 1 Completed

The purpose of this goal is to build the amount of high PP cards I need for staking on my tract.

We will need to fill 5 slots per plot with staked cards, without requiring summoners (that doesn't mean they can't be used as regular cards).

So, what are the details of this goal?


  • [COMPLETED] Stage 1: June 2023
  • stage 1.5: August
  • stage 2: End of 2023 (this will be a new goal)

The total number of maxed-level* cards needed for staking on land: 500 (5 x 100).

  • stage 1: need 120 cards for land by the deadline (decreased from 220) COMPLETED
    • stretch goal: have optimized cards for 24 plots COMPLETED
  • stage 1.5: need 220 cards for land by the deadline
  • stage 2: have 500 cards for land
    • stretch goal: have optimized cards for 44 plots

(*) any card with at least 1000 PP suitable for the terrain types I own will do (better for better plots); doesn't have to be maxed

Current situation total: 131 / 500 (26.2%)

Current situation stage 2: 11 / 100

Time remaining until Stage 2 deadline: max 2 weeks?

Note: Taking my time. Practically, if I'm a little bit behind my DEC saving goal, I'm ok with this goal. For max-level cards, my DEC could currently support 136 cards at full production capacity, so I'm quite ok with this goal progress, even if it doesn't respect the original deadlines.

Note 2: I started to review my land cards for the expected launch of Land 1.5. Mainly, I started to combine them, when they weren't yet fully combined.

Comments Made

Original goal: 18k, REDUCED to 17k, by the end of 2023.

Missing stats for this week, as mentioned in the intro. Extended mini-goal: At least 200 comments/threads starting from last week's stats (from 14765) to next week's stats (two weeks' worth of comments).

Last week's situation:

I started this week with a total of 14698 comments made.

Ended the week with 14765 comments made, which brings the number of my comments this week to 67. In a downtrend for the last 6 weeks, and below the average for a while...

I keep saying I need to be more active on Threads to reverse the trend!

Without a push, I feel I'm never going to get back on an uptrend. Here it is: this week I have to make at least 100 comments! Threads, here I come!

I now need an average of 98 comments weekly to reach the goal of 17k.


Weekly Buy - LEO

I continued to buy LEO this week too (10 HIVE worth of LEO). My pace of progress on the LEO main goal slowed down since it rose in price, and I wouldn't like to miss this target. Hopefully, the ad revenue distribution will start in Q4 or earlier to help with this goal.


Good work toward your goals.

Thanks Steve!

Always encouraged by your progress sharing.

One of the reasons why I post these Hive goals. To encourage others to set and follow through with their own.

I see your goals actually achieve soon

There is time. I don't expect them to be achieved (much) sooner.

I suppose that our earnings will suffer from this HiveSQL outage... As we have seen many times in the past, missed dividend payments usually stay missed... It would be nice to be different this time... Luckily, I don't have too much of my HP delegated :)

Btw. HiveSQL works now, so you can check your comments number.. ;)

Yeah, I didn't even realize some dividends may remain missing because of that, but I suppose that's possible. :)

Luckily, I don't have too much of my HP delegated :)

That probably affected income tokens too, not only the ones you delegate to.

Btw. HiveSQL works now, so you can check your comments number.. ;)

Yep, I noticed. I just checked, but is not 100% accurate, since it includes comments I made last night. But as I suspected, I was over 100 comments last week: 14893 - 14765 = 128. Nice bump from 67 the week before.

I'll still go on with the mini-challenge to above 200 comments until the next Hive goals post too.

Yeah, I didn't even realize some dividends may remain missing because of that, but I suppose that's possible. :)

It happened many times in the past, so not a surprise to see it happening again...

But as I suspected, I was over 100 comments last week: 14893 - 14765 = 128. Nice bump from 67 the week before.

100 comments per week is a very nice number! I would like to follow your steps... maybe I should do a similar goal... :)

100 comments per week is a very nice number! I would like to follow your steps... maybe I should do a similar goal... :)

With the number of comments you generally receive on your posts plus the ones on the Liotes posts, you should be pretty close, since you reply to them.

hahaha.. that's true... I didn't count or check my comments at all... But, I could do better and more... :)

Hi @gadrian Thanks for the reminder about HPUD! Good job on your goals! Barb 😊👍🌟

You're welcome, Barb. Thanks.

You're welcome @gadrian 😊🌟 !BBH !CTP

Great and hard working. Best of luck for your future goals.

Thanks. Appreciate the positivity. :)

Most welcome dear.

Nice progress on your goals. It's too bad about HiveSQL being under maintenance but it's just a part of life. I saw that it also affected CTPSB and their dividends too.


I saw that it also affected CTPSB and their dividends too.

Yep, I saw that too. I imagine they are not the only ones. But it's up now.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Thanks for the manual curation.

Thanks for sharing.

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 5% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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