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RE: Not your keys, not your Crypto

in LeoFinance2 years ago

As you know, I have a Trezor and it's been really handy, reasonably easy to use and, here's the best part, hasn't lost my crypto gazillions. As far as it not being as good as other in build quality...Well, I guess as long as one doesn't hit it with Thor's hammer one is gtg. The only feature I wish the Trezor had, but doesn't, is the double my crypto holdings every time I plug it in feature. Maybe in the next model huh?

So, whilst there may be other options that are equally as good, I'd have to chalk up a vote for Trezor simply because it's worked flawlessly and has been rather simple to use, for a rather simple fellow like me.


double my crypto holdings every time I plug it in feature

Haha!! Maybe this is something we can request them to build in? :0)

Come on Trezor, get with the bloody program!

Ooh yes, that next model would be schweeet if it did that. I'd like a Trezor that makes me coffee in the morning while I'm still in bed...we can dream can't we?

I think the Trezor has a lot of features that push it up compared to Ledger and seeing as I don't even have Thor's hammer, doubt I'd be able to break it in the first 2 years if I'm able to lock in that warranty.

Thanks for your valuable input, I appreciate it Galen.

Who knows what tantalising new features will come through with subsequent iterations of the Trezor.


The sky's the limit I guess. 😉

#vibratingtrezor now I'm really keen on a Trezor :)