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RE: HBD dividends for our delegators CENT and BEE April 1 week

in LeoFinance2 months ago

That wouldn't be because I've been stomping the market.

Lol oh I let my foot off the gas a little. But if I'm one of the major players? Leo is the shallowest pool.

It's like a desert and these pools are shrinking quick. They definitely aren't deep that's for sure.


Still, I like the current price action! 🙂

You sold all your LEO? 😲 Idk, man... I think it could push higher...

Nice! Bitcoin is always a solid bet.

I think one of the factors for LEO uptrend is the launch of LeoDex. Leo getting on Maya and therefore getting more potential buyers. But time will tell. Still a lot of issues daily but I'm sure that once those are permanently fixed, Inleo starts getting more attention and users!