
I am not in it. I just engage with people. I wish the notifications was working better. But alas, we deal with what is here.

Thank you. I see both Leofinance notifications and Hive blocks so I am OK🙂

BTW..... are you in front of your computer all day? Do you go out or sleep?

LOL yes I am off here at times. In fact, I wasnt on most of the day today.

Since you are writing long form posts in addition to a tremendous number of threads, I was wondering if you have time to sleep or go out.

I do spend a lot of time on here but that is what I do. My focus is on creating content.

It is dedication, really nothing more.

We are already into June (UTC). Those who have completed will get to know in today's Leaderboard update.

May went by really fast! I can't believe another month has passed since the campaign started.

Thanks, I will check that out.

Busy-ness makes us feel like time is running ahead of time.

That's right. And I feel like I'm forgetting something that needs to be done.

Nope. Zero quests completed

Good morning! Are you participating in the campaign?

I see! That is great.
I started the thread initially for reward, but I'm gradually discovering how much fun it can be otherwise😀

Nope. I thread for fun not for prizes..