
oh no how much money did you spend for this? this could've been money u used to buy hive power to reach your goals ;)

Haha, it may have been part of it! I think it was probably about $20. A bit expensive for a potted plant, but I couldn't resist buying it.

that is super expensive D: why don't u have impulse to buy hive power lol this the wrong thing to buy :P

That's a possibility... but I buy this plant, post about it, and get HP.🤣

wait you're making a full-long form post just for this #blacklions? this is pretty smart I think mayb eyou can just buy ton of stuff and have all your posts cover the costs lol

I am going to try to post this to the plant and gardening community. Yes, I wish I can cover it :) #blacklions

ok you can do that after helping us win the battle of the lions help bring our tag to 5k digits 7.5k more to go :) #blacklions

Your way of growing is very interesting

In fact, the leaves naturally swirl like this. It is a very mysterious plant :)

Mysterious and very beautiful haha

That's coiled up like an immersion heater. Is not it?


Yes, yes! It is coiled exactly like your image. I have never seen this tool though.

I have never seen this tool though.

it's immersion rod to heat water in cold days, winter season. Quite cheap. Costs hardly around 1.6 USD or so.

Wow! That's great. That's a good thing you told me. I will check to see if I can get it here as well. When this campaign is over...

You will certainly get such a tool on Amazon. U can order it online.

what kind of plant is this?

This is a plant called Albuca. It seems to be a member of the lily family, but I have never seen it before. #blacklions

looking so amazing, what's the name of this plant, I believe it will look more okay when it finally grow...