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RE: How Long until Saved by Soon?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Next week I will have a "control MRI" to see if the artery in my neck that caused the stroke has healed. I suspect it has, but I still get pain and headaches often, so not everything is as it should be. The impact this all has had on my life has been immense and I am going to have to adjust my "expectations" on life quite heavily, including what I do for work.

Dear @tarazkp , Do you always have shoulder pain? East Asian medicine claims that severe shoulder pain is one of the causes of stroke. It is speculated that the stroke occurs because the blood from the blood vessels in the shoulder to the brain is not circulated.

You would like to always do gymnastics that loosens your shoulders to reduce the symptoms of a stroke.


I had a carotid artery dissection - not much to do about that :)

I had a carotid artery dissection - not much to do about that :)

Dear @tarazkp, Do you mean that your a carotid was operated on?😲

I understand that your health maybe currently in serious trouble.😨

I pray for your healty recovery!🙏