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RE: Flesh From Bone

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Dear @tarazkp !

I'm shocked that you've made your unpleasant past public!
From an East Asian perspective like mine, I felt that your act of making your private life public was dangerous!😯

I learned a lot from reading your articles, but at the same time I felt like you might be putting yourself and your family at risk!
At the same time I felt you were very brave!😃

I hope yourfamily's happy!


From an East Asian perspective like mine, I felt that your act of making your private life public was dangerous!😯

That is very sad.

I learned a lot from reading your articles, but at the same time I felt like you might be putting yourself and your family at risk!


Dear @tarazkp !

People often face difficult problems when their private lives become public.

I guess those who oppose your ideas might make rude attacks on you and your family.