Scam invoking the name of the LeoFinance Community.

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I have just suffered a scam for an approximate value of 400 USD invoking the name of this Community.

I make the disclaimer here not because I consider the same responsible for the fact that any user can anonymously impersonate a representative or moderator of the same but because the crime was perpetrated using the name of LeoFinance.

Therefore I think it is important for everyone to be warned of these attitudes. That tomorrow may touch another user and / or another Community.

The responsibility is mine, something incautious on my part, lack of experience, etc.. But what strikes me powerfully is the ease of fraud using HiveSigner.

It is evident that this person knows the code to adulterate it to his own benefit.

HiveSigner normally requires some confirmations to withdraw the funds or transfer them to another user.

In this case the already fraudulent link (obviously I didn't know about it) prompting users to vote for the LeoFinance token was automatically activated after the click without any confirmation.


Here is the anomaly. At no time was I warned of the withdrawal. I noticed it a few minutes later when even the user had already made it disappear from his wallet.

Here are the details of the scam step by step:

a) As seen in the initial image of the post in a comment the user mentioning eLoFinance invites to vote the token of this Community.

b) I click to vote for it. HiveSigner opens. I access it and automatically a message tells me that in three days I will start receiving the reward.

c) At no time I am warned of the withdrawal and much less of the amount of HIVE and HBD transferred.

d) By chance a few minutes later I check the wallet and I see that all the HIVE and HBD tokens are gone.

e) I go to the user's account and see that he has received them.

f) After a few minutes he has made them disappear.

I repeat: I should never have clicked on a link in a comment. But I am amazed at how easy it is to get HiveSigner into my wallet and steal my money. Just like that.

I don't know if there is any way to get it back. If so, I would be grateful if you could let me know.

This is the responsible user @gregoryoo24 to whose account the withdrawn funds went. However the comment with the fraudulent link was from this other user @tomlee


This is the post with the comment that includes the fraudulent link:



Siento mucho lo que te pasó. A mí también me llegó ese comentario y me sonó muy raro. Por suerte, cuando me uní a Hive uno de los primeros consejos que me dieron fue que 'si algo suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, es porque es una estafa'. Tiempo después entendí que se refieren a este tipo de mensajes de spam y links fraudulentos. Ojalá puedas recuperar el dinero si existe la posibilidad. Gracias por advertir a otros!

No se de donde viene el problema. Pero es demasiado extraño que alguien ajeno a la plataforma pueda crackear Hive Signer de esa manera @lauramica.

Por otro lado HiveSigner es obligatorio para ciertas acciones. Lo único que viene a la mente es no abrir nunca enlaces desde los comentarios. Y abrir HiveSigner solo desde la página oficial.

Todo se está transformando en algo muy complicado que terminará por atentar contra la confiabilidad de la propia plataforma.

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Thanks @hivebuz I have made reference to @arcange in my last post I did not want to be excessive but it was a problem to which I wanted to find a solution. As I show in this post. Regards

Thanks for the warning dude! those fuckers must be terminated ;D

It will be difficult to eliminate them all. We will have to be extremely cautious. And for the platform to make apps more secure. HiveSigner is not. And a lot of money goes through it.

Please report these scammers

Thank you but I don't know where to do it so that the complaint has an effective scope.

I will share this information with as many people as possible

Saludos amigo lamento mucho lo que te paso, esa gente manejan el código para poder hacer esta estafa.

Gracias @cetb2008, tengo la misma expresión, es de adentro el problema y no de afuera.

He seguido algunos de tus trabajos gráficos con Inkscape, son muy bonitos. Que pasó con el logo abstracto de Hive muteado?

Será porque tal vez no se puede comercializar el logo de Hive? Me gustaría conocer tu opinión sobre NFTShowrooms porque tengo algunos dibujos en acrílico para publicar.

Saludos y gracias por la información.

Saludos lo que pasa es que esa comunidad tiene sus reglas, y a ellos no le pareció que lo publicará allí. NFTShowrooms es un espacio excelente para toquenizar tu arte, siempre y cuando sean tuyo no hay problema. También lo puedes publicar dentro de hive para que sea curado.
Por lo menos recuperaste tu cuenta y no te robaron tu HP.

Gracias. Me da la expresión que robar el HP es mas difícil, o al menos es más difícil crakear el código. Por otro lado es menos atractivo ya que tienen que esperar 13 semanas para cobrarlo.

Si es cierto.

Lo que más me extraña es que esta publicación de denuncia tenga tan pocos votos y que nadie de esta comunidad, ni administrador ni moderadores, se hayan hecho vivos.

No les doy la culpa a ellos, peor al menos por solidaridad, podrían agregar un comentario.

So sorry to hear you got caught out with this. It's a particularly nasty one since HiveSigner was involved. I only use HiveKeychain and have no idea whether it would have worked the same there.

But I am amazed at how easy it is to get HiveSigner into my wallet and steal my money. Just like that.

I agree.

Thanks for making a post to warn others.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's the weirdest thing: that the HiveSigner code can be cracked so easily. From now on I will try to move the HIVE's to HP where they are more secure. But the damage is already done.

Thanks for commenting @gillianpearce.

From now on I will try to move the HIVE's to HP

Maybe switch to using Hive Keychain too. It has many useful features beside signing in. 😊


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken.

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Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Thank you for voting and supporting my content @dsc-r2cornell.

buenas noches amigo, a mi también me dejó un comentario lo vi algo raro, pero igual entre, menos mal yo dias antes habia retirado mi dinero, pero ahora tendré que cambiar la contraseña, muchas gracias por tu advertencia y darte cuenta de esto y de verdad a partir de ahora comentario raro que vea estaré muy atento, ojala consigas alguna manera de recuperar tu dinero. Saludos.

El dinero está perdido, pero en fin, espero que ayude a otros. Gracias por comentar @jimmy406.