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RE: Splinterlands: Recent News & Updates (03/09/2022)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

This is the first time I've looked at the Carnage Titan stats in detail. I definitely am going to have to get me some of that beast! My Dragon Splinter is so weak, but I think I could build a team around him.


Don't get me started on going after that card, I've been buying cards none stop am now broke!

I've been hitting the market myself, trying to build a Diamond Death team around my Waka.

Lol we just can't stop buying these cards 😃, interesting how the game is designed to keep us wanting more. Am basically addicted. Am in Gold league III pushing towards league II.

Cheers and best of luck.

Got to !LUV the airdrop cards :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I do! I !LUV those airdrops.