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RE: Same, Same But Completely Different

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I’ve just fallen in love with you over the last few days! You remind me of friends made in protest camps, fellow travelers looking to get lost whom I’ve crossed paths with in national parks…

Your soul shines out with a brutal truth that somehow filters through the lens of your fabulous personality to uplift. You are just a star!!

I wish I could make you a cup of tea and offer some hugs and food when I hear of your experience with the police. I know we live in different circumstances, but I feel is it universally true that police are a corrupt entity that insures class warfare and brutality.

PTSD sucks, overcoming trauma, healing generational issues… even relating to the earth is a journey in these modern times. From what I know of you, I think you are excelling at overcoming the things that could’ve broken you. I am proud of you, sending hugs from across the ocean :)


What a simply awesome and happiness making comment you utterly beautiful woman!

Come and live over here and we'll start a village! 🥰

I'm really touched by your support and appreciate the validation so much. This is how we heal, by the way. Just hearing each other. Thank you for hearing me. Even when it's hard to ❤️❤️❤️

So much love to you and thank you for... well... for you! 💥