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RE: LeoThread 2023-01-25 17:04

Super exciting news!
The Daily Mail UK wrote an article about me where I discussed my food storage and homestead. gubdailymail.jpg
Link below...


Congratulations. Such great news :)

Thank you! I'm super excited about it.

Wow, congrats. Just gone through your website, it's quite good.

That's awesome! Congrats! Make sure you guide all of your new followers to #hive and #threads. They are the perfect compliment to homesteading. 😁

Wow that's incredible, congratulations!

Some much deserved attention 🤩

Thank you! I'm so pumped lol

damn that's cool!

How good!

Did they just randomly get in contact with you to do the story?

You should ask them to give you a link to your site in the article.

Will be super helpful for your SEO.