My Hive Goals For 2022

in LeoFinance2 years ago


I wanted to check my Hive activity in 2021

Today I felt like a day to reflect on the past year. And yes, with the photocontest I have of course already thought about the past year. But today I wanted to see how much my account on Hive has grown this year, what my earnings have actually been, how many posts I've made, how many comments I've written. In short, I wanted to take a good look at all my Hive activities to see what my goals could be for the next year.
I like setting a goal, and I know that I can definitely work towards it better than if I don't have a goal. It must be something human, and between the ears. But it works for me anyway.


The first dApp I thought of was of course the updated HIVESTATS from Leofinance. And although I can view my account growth here from the past 7 days, and from the past 30 days, I really miss the opportunity to see a whole year back. And that was exactly what I was looking for.

Anyway, here is the growth from my account for the last 30 days.

Screenshot 20211231 103239.jpg

Source: Hivestats

Now I am wondering something. Is there a possibility to find my account information for the full year 2021?

If anybody has the answer to this question, I would love to hear it. I thought of hivesql, but I really have no idea if this is possible?

If I have that, I can make some nice statistics, and in this way try to get a better idea of what I can set as a realistic goal for 2022. I don't like setting goals without all the knowledge and information. But, because I couldn't find it, I went with the growth for the last 30 days for setting a goal. Let's see if this realistic!

My hive goals.png

I want to keep my goals realistic

Setting Hive Goals is nice, but I want to keep it realistic so that I don't have to admit at the end of the year that I made a serious error in judgment. Of course, you set a goal to challenge yourself, of course I want to work to achieve those goals, but it would be very unrealistic if I said that I want to have 25,000 Hive Power by the end of 2022. Well, wanting is one thing, but I'm also 100% sure that it would be a bit too ambitious to say the least to set that as a goal for this year.

Only 24 hours a day

Looking at my Hive Power balance for the last 30 days, I see a decent growth. Nothing spectacular, but I didn't expect that either. I didn't blog every day, because I often didn't get to my own blog due to other things in real life. For example, my dogs, my newly found old hobby, and also my writing for @lbi-token and @brofund. I only have 24 hours a day, and in those hours ... I need some sleep too. Lol.

It allows me to grow, and expand my knowledge also!

Don't get me wrong here, writing for LBI and Brofund is not a problem, because this also gives me the opportunity to grow. Although that can often not immediately seen in my Hive Power. It has given me a financial respite and not having to use a powerdown to absorb costs in real life. And that alone makes it more than worthwhile, in addition, it is also fun to write for these 2 things. Where my writing for LBI is expanding my knowledge about crypto in general, is Brofund expanding my knowledge about all the projects that are going on here on Hive.

I digress a bit

Anyway, when I look at these last 30 days I see a growth of just under 200 Hive Power. Let's say I ramp it up in 2022, and could increase my Hive Power earnings to 225 Hive Power per month, which would add up to 2,700 Hive Power in this year which would bring me to 4,264 Hive Power by the end of 2022. And I don't like that number, so now the question is ... Do I go for 4000 Hive Power, or do I go a step higher to 4500 / 5000 Hive Power?

Am I going to say goodbye to Minnow Status?

Goals are there to challenge yourself. 5000 Hive Power is Dolphin status, and I think after 4 years of blockchain it is time to say goodbye to my Minnow status. So the first goal here is set on;

Having 5,000 Hive Power by December 31, 2022!


I haven't put my LEO on my hetty-rowan account for a long time, but these are on my @foreverhero account that I created especially for Leo.

Where I really do not remember from Hive what I had from Hive Power at the beginning of 2021, I do remember from Leo that I had no more than 210 Leo. And now I have achieved my goal of 1000 Leo for Leo. There are 1078 Leo stakes on @foreverhero.

However, this tastes like more. My Leo goal for 2022 is therefore not that difficult to determine.

Having 2500 Leo Power on December 31, 2022!

And this will not be an easy task either, but I will do my utmost to realize this.

Even more goals

In addition, my goal this year is not to have to do a Powerdown. And then a big goal that does not apply specifically to Hive, but in which Hive does play a major role. Working on the financial possibilities so that my partner can reduce the hours in his job, or even stop completely. And that… is the biggest challenge.


Another goal I have is to rebuild my Splinterlands account, after having to sell everything twice. At the moment I am slowly rebuilding. And there is also a focus. We all see that these investments pay for themselves. And that is ultimately what one wants to create, right? You invest in something and get it back twice so that you can invest again without losing on it, but rather grow.

Turn it around

There are many more goals I have here on Hive, I have started again to be more active in the last few days. Engaging with other people. I know how important it is, and yet it is often due to a lack of time that I just don't get around to it. Now, however, I've decided to turn this around.

Engaging before blogging

If I'm short on time, I can better use that time by engaging with others, rather than doing nothing. Posting a blog also takes time if you want to do it right, and sometimes I just don't have that time. But taking 30 minutes to engage with someone else is much easier to fit in a tight time schedule, and always works. And that is so essential for both Hive and Leo, but also for personal growth. So that goal is definitely there. It cannot be determined in advance with figures. But at the end of the year it will be seen whether I have achieved that goal.

Two out of Three ain't bad

Of course, it is also nice to look back at what I wrote last year. Then I had 3 goals. And of these 3 goals. I can say with certainty that I have achieved 2 of them. And the goal I failed to achieve has completely faded into the background. Whether I want to pick it up again in 2022 I can't even say for sure. At the moment I have completely different things that I am involved in, such as painting, which I have found again after many years of not doing anything with it.


My goals for 2021 were;

  • Ensure that I / we are financially resurrected
  • Increase my leopower and hivepower
  • Make and publish a children's book **(Not completed!)****

This year I limit my goals to Hive

Experience has taught me that focusing on too many goals at once yields little results. At least for me, it's better to focus on one or two things, so that at the end of the year I can also look back on a successful year. And focusing on too many goals at once also results in having to spread my focus too much. That doesn't really work for me, so that's why I limit myself to just setting the goals on Hive and everything that goes along with it. And to keep track of my goals, I think I will be making much use of HiveStats!

It will definitely take a lot of time… and I can say I'm looking forward to it! I'm excited.

2021 has not been a bad year for me personally, and I certainly intend to continue that trend in 2022.

Happy New Year to everyone here… see you next year!

goldchest 2022.png

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Exciting goals! Already looking forward to the result! I will also set myself some hives related goals at the beginning of the year ✌️

Thank you! Yes, I'm quite excited too ... and I really hope that I can end next year with a blog that I achieved the goals.

Looking forward to your goals too.

Happy New Year!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

PRetty interesting post, i think i'll establish too my goals about incomes on Hive for 2022, i never thought about it, but it is a good excercise to help myself in order to be more disciplined. I'm too samll yet, but i can grow up faster if a follow a plan, Thank you for sharing. i wish you have success achieving your goals.

Thank you for your reply. And I wish you all the luck to first set your goals, and achieve them. I have learned from experience that I am much more focused if I set my goals, but try to not overestimate myself. And while I don't want to overestimate myself, I also want to challenge myself. That will keep the brain, motivation, and growth going. And that's what I'm doing it for.

I hope you will achieve your goals too!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 87 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @hetty-rowan, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

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Thank you @india-leo and @bhattg. It's very much appreciated!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

awesome post rowan. ANd glad to know you put splinterlands into your goal list. :)

Thanks @mango-juice, yeah ... I have no choice. Lol. Can't leave Splinterlands out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations @hetty-rowan! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about to Power Up!
Christmas Challenge - 1000 Hive Power Delegation Winner

Congratulations @hetty-rowan! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 50 HP on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 2 badge
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about to Power Up!

Great new goals and nice to see Hive and Leo Finance goals being upped. I think these together with Splinterlands are true assets to have in anyone's portfolio.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks, it's exciting to work on these goals, and it keeps me motivated. I hope I will keep my game up, and up it even more to smash those goals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta