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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Oops, I know it's also going to take some time, but it's a good thing you could get some things done, that's a plus. I hope you also get to do some more today and maybe before the end of the week, everything will be almost in place or in place 😃.

I'm not feeling as strong as I should at all but I hope it get better soon. Thank you for your concern Ma'am Jackie, I truly appreciate ❤️🙏.


Yes, we were happy with what we already could do yesterday.
Today hubby is back to work, so he has no time for anything.
All will be fine next week and in place for the coming months, I’m sure. I will take it easy now and enjoy watching the garden. We have little birds that come to visit every morning. Will try to capture them 🥰😎

Aaawwww sorry to hear. Hope you can take some medicine that will help you @hopestylist 🤞🏻
Please be strong and well soon again.
Sending lots of positive power to you for fast recovery.
Bigggg huggggsssss
Anytime dear 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm happy you were able to get a few things done. It's a good thing your hubby is back to work now, hope it's not too far from the house?
It will be really nice to see the images of the birds and the garden.

I'm getting better now, your hugs are working magic, hehe.

Have you had something to eat yet?

Thank you, the new house is 30 minutes closer to work each way. He used to drive 1 hour 15 minutes. Now about 30 minutes… so he saves so much time each day. 😎

Yay, I’m happy to hear that dear @hopestylist 😊🤗🤗 more huggsss coming right up!

Nope, I tend to only eat with dinner, sometimes lunch.
Cleaning kitchen now and organising it for me.
Getting out my herbs etc. 🤓 so Much fun, almost like unwrapping Christmas presents hehehe 🤭


Hope you feel better even more now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What do you call a hippo who says something and does the complete opposite?
A hippocrite

Credit: reddit
@hopestylist, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @littlebee4

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

Really funny, lolz.

Oh, that's awesome, a whole forty five minutes difference, that is really awesome. Now he gets to have a lot rest than usual too, hehehe.

Yes, I'm more happier to get these hugs you know, hehehe. I feel so blessed to have such a friend to get hugs from at this time.

But why? Is there any particular reason for that?
Seems like unpacking is a lot fun, I'm so happy you are happy, it feels like I should come over now to enjoy in the fun you know, hehe.

Sure, I'm feeling so much better now but I still have the catarrh though. I hope it goes away completely soon.

Yes, we save time and money with driving now.
So he is happy. 😎

You are welcome 🤗

I’m never hungry hehehe 😂
If only… yes I would share the fun I’m having. Even though it is a lot of work. Let’s have fun 🤩

Let’s hope it does… soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes you guys do save a lot of time but the strange thing is there is always something else that will take those time that has been saved, hehe.

Smiles 😊😍.

Oh my!! But that's not normal, why did you get used to something like that, is it anything related to your health or what really?
Yeah, I will love to see them, I'm so sorry it's going to be stressful for you but I hope it gets more fun as the day goes by.

Yes, let's keep staying positive ❤️.

Let’s hope it doesn’t… 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤓

As far as I know, it was always like that even as a child.

It will, I’m sure of it. Up to more fun and restful days 😉🤗
Best thing to do, stay positive.
Have a lovely evening, almost bed time 🥱 😴😴😴

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta