Planning Each Hour Of Your Day

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Image source - Pixabay

Thinking of the ideal plan for my day, I started doing research on how several of the wealthiest men who ever lived and those still living plan their days, and I came to the understanding that these men reasoned in hours. Studying the daily life schedule of Benjamin Franklin, and other wealthy people, I could see clearly that they used the 1 hour timeframe.

It's no secret that we all have 24 hours in a day. If you know a way I could have more than 24 hours in a day, kindly let me know :). We all have to make good use of each and every hour, in order to maximize our day. As the popular saying goes, time is the ingredient life is made of. So if you love your life, then you should love your time.

Many people talk about time blocking, which is basically planning your day based on a particular time interval. For example, there's the 5-minutes blocks, which means you break down your day into 5-minutes, and you fill it up with tasks and several important activities. Some people use 15-minutes time blocks, and others 30-minutes.

Image source - Pixabay

It all depends on your preference, and the nature of work you do. But I've come to realize that most highly successful people, plan their days hourly. Quite frankly, it's easier to work with what you want to achieve in 1 hour, than lower time frames. Most top 5% of businessmen say they plan using their calendar, and work hourly.

They take note of days, and what they want to achieve before a particular day. And going into the day, they don't think too much on the minutes, but what they're able to achieve within every given working hour. Thus, you have to write your plan for your day on an hourly basis. Plan every single hour into either - working hour, sleeping hour, or playing hour. Working seriously for at least 8-10 hours each day, will be very good for your finances.

Thanks for reading!

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