LEO&HODL Contest - Focus: New UI of LeoFinance

Every week, the LEO&HODL contest chooses a LEO product (e.g., LeoDEX, LeoBridge, LPUD, etc.), and the contestants write their amazing posts and do the tasks to be eligible for 175 LEO prizes in addition to hodlcommunity support 🔥

new leofinance crypto .jpg

We are glad to see the interest in LEO&HODL Contest and the positive effects of our posts and LeoThreads in LeoVerse. As you asked for a longer time for our weekly contests, we initiate it from the first days of the week.

It is easy to get rewarded with the contest.

  • Write a post about the contest,
  • Post LeoThreads (blockchain-based Twitter),
  • Do the tasks.

You can start experiencing Web3 in its latest form 😉

LeoFinance ecosystem has its own forms of nearly everything. We have talked about Daily LEO, Leo.Voter, HiveStats, Crew3 Quests, Alpha LEO and Multi-Token Bridge in detail. It is time to rank them up!

A brand new UI is LIVE on LeoFinance. The new version looks like Twitter but it also combines long-from blogging. The vision of Project Blank is slowly but firmly becoming real.

As a Lion, your feedback matters. It is time to talk about the new UI and share our feedback on it 👇

The Weekly Focus (till May 7) -> New LeoFinance UI 🔥

It is our responsibility to provide quality feedback on the LEO products to make it better. Also, we are constantly onboarding new Lions who may not be competent enough for the blockchain-based operations. So, let's try to make everything crystal clear.

The questions to be answered:

  • What is your first impression regarding new UI?
  • Why do you think this version is better / worse then previous form?
  • How can new Lions engage on new UI?
  • What are the best features of the new version?

Also, you can talk about the following:

  • Share your suggestions for new features on UI
  • Discuss the degree of resemblance with Twitter
  • Compare the new UI with similar "everything apps" 😉


The Tasks of Projects explored on LeoFinance

Here is the full list of tasks. You are supposed to address all of them to be eligible for 175 LEO prize.

  • Join the Discord of LeoFinance (Leo Discord) & HODL Community (HODL Discord).
  • Submit your entry on HODL Discord Channel -> leo-hodl-contest-submission
  • Create LeoThreads (at least 5 LeoThreads and do not forget to share the link in your submission) and explain the reasons why you use this Leo Product / the benefits of them etc.
  • Use hashtags #hodlcontest #leocontest #contest to be eligible.
  • Use at least 3 leoglossary links (Leo Glossary by TaskMaster) in your post.
  • The title of your post needs to have "LEO&HODL Contest" (e.g., September LPUD and LEO&HODL Contest)
  • New Lions Needed!: Invite 3 friends of yours by tagging in your post (e.g., hey @vlemon, you should join the contest)
  • Follow Curation Trail of HodlCommunity
  • Share your post on Twitter, Facebook or any other Web2 social media platforms

Note: You can have maximum of 2 entries per week.


Time for Feedback!

We would like to enrich our ecosystem with a sustainable event that will encourage people to explore LeoFinance ecosystem. For that purpose, we are initiating several contests that are based on LeoVerse.

What else can be done to reach more people and make these events more fruitful? Share with us 😉

Final Notes: Example Submission

When your content is ready, you will submit the link on HODL Discord channel named leo-hodl-contest-submission. The entries will be reviewed until Saturdays and the winners will be declared on Hodl Community Leo post.

You can check an example submission.
Total 175 LEO will be shared among Top 3. ( 100 / 50 / 25).
Each proper submission will be rewarded via upvotes.
Guidelines and visuals are very well appreciated.


Check available LEO Tasks by @leo.tasks

Check out LeoFinance Main Account and Khal's posts!

Follow the updates on LeoFinance ecosystem on @leogrowth account!

We kindly ask you to check Leo Products + CUB projects on @leofinance and get 90% daily liquid payment for your HIVE and LEO for your delegations to @hodlcommunity.

Hive on ✌🏼


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( peniel2010 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @idiosyncratic1.
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Thank you so much @tengolotodo for tagging me!! I'll get right to it!1

I am not sure when it closes entry!

Better not be today. I'm making the post today. Already drafted it.

Go finish it off and post it, well look on the bright side it is a post for today!

I actually was minutes from posting the original post I had in mind for today before I saw the tag. Then I was like, "ain't no way I'm missing this one."

I already finished it. Just need to add Leo Glossary links. NEPA has done their usual, so no power. Will have to wait a little bit as Laptop is now dead.

Oh NEPA = No Electric Power Always!

You can always post 2, especially as Leo Finance is a different crowd!

I know. I just want to maximize my options incase I go blank during the week. But Fluff it!! I just might post at a very odd time. I have a taste for odd things. 🌚