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RE: LeoThread 2023-08-18 00:42

in LeoFinance • 10 months ago (edited)

There's no denying that Binance offers not only crypto trading but also a wide range of products & services.

One I recently learned is the Binance NFT-Fi.

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#threadstorm #nftfi


I'll have to read on that one!

Thank you :)

the best part is their "earn" option which never allo2 your balance to sit idle

That's right :)

Let the money to keep talking

Binance is how we asians survievd in crypto otherwise all US based exchanges would end our journey with KYC.

Yep. Although I am wishing for a decentralized channel where we can easily onramp and offramp crypto or fiat without having to go through KYC and stuff :)

I take it you use the dark theme haha?

I did. And only after I posted that I checked using the light and darn! Edited and removed the formatting, lol! It will take a while to reflect though.

Sky blue is my favourite colour <3

A really nice and cool shade :)

oh wow this is really taking off

It is :)

Binance NFT-Fi is a service that bridges NFT and DeFi. It enables holders of blue chip NFTs to benefit from their assets without selling them.

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In what way?

First, there's the NFT Staking where users can earn APE and SAND daily by locking up their NFTs in two separate pools (Ape Staking Pool and Sandbox Staking Pool).

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Another is NFT Loan where users can borrow ETH using their NFT as collateral. Supported NFT collections are Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFTs, Azuki, and Doodles.

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My eyes, they burnnnn

I realized that haha.