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The poll ends on Sunday at 23:59 PST, so let us pick this week's


#topauthors #leofinance #ladiesofhive #threads #hive

Oh, I'm in trouble. I don't recognize any of those names! 😅

Good luck Ladies keep going strong.... Get out into the sunshine and enjoy friends always.

i rally can't vpt 🤔

apoyando y votando por mi preferida

#gmfrens Bitcoin down to $26K USD, Ethereum near 1.6k$ and all other coins are going down like crazy!

What actually happened? Some sources saying Elon Musk sold BTC holdings of Tesla.




so it’s another week of slow movement?! Ahhh hell!!!!

There's no denying that Binance offers not only crypto trading but also a wide range of products & services.

One I recently learned is the Binance NFT-Fi.

1 🧵
#threadstorm #nftfi

I'll have to read on that one!

the best part is their "earn" option which never allo2 your balance to sit idle

That's right :)

Let the money to keep talking

Binance is how we asians survievd in crypto otherwise all US based exchanges would end our journey with KYC.

Yep. Although I am wishing for a decentralized channel where we can easily onramp and offramp crypto or fiat without having to go through KYC and stuff :)

I take it you use the dark theme haha?

I did. And only after I posted that I checked using the light and darn! Edited and removed the formatting, lol! It will take a while to reflect though.

Sky blue is my favourite colour <3

oh wow this is really taking off

Binance NFT-Fi is a service that bridges NFT and DeFi. It enables holders of blue chip NFTs to benefit from their assets without selling them.

2 🧵

In what way?

First, there's the NFT Staking where users can earn APE and SAND daily by locking up their NFTs in two separate pools (Ape Staking Pool and Sandbox Staking Pool).

3 🧵

Another is NFT Loan where users can borrow ETH using their NFT as collateral. Supported NFT collections are Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs, Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFTs, Azuki, and Doodles.

4 🧵

My eyes, they burnnnn

I realized that haha.

Wow. Just made one of the best smashburgers I think I ever had

Didn't happen if there are no pics...

sounds like I'll need to make another

fuck yeah, share a pic

I'll have to make another

i'm about that, always down for a burger

God's wonderful creation. Have a great day everyone.

It is truly a wonderful and beautiful world, God creation!

They are always beautiful for our eyes to see and enjoy.

1/🧵 the Crypto market is down experiencing a heavy downtrend at the moment which is exciting and discouraging for sme individuals.
#threadstorm #outreach

  • unordered list

2/🧵 this is part of what we experience in cryptocurrency where prices rises and falls but to keep the Investing process active, we need to avoid the distraction of the bear market

3/🧵 the bear is really taking over the Crypto Market and this have doubt the existence of when the bull will eventually occur.

but instead it should be an encouragement to endure and invest.

Did you buy any?

Hi there, thank you for sharing your threadstorm. We recommend interacting with others here too. 😉

A wet Friday afternoon for us here up north! Glad to have gone for a walk and then came back before the rain poured.

Enjoy the time....we have very scarce rain this season, almost farming season ending with no rain this time

Thank you. The rain can be very welcoming when the days are dry. Hope you will have rain soon.

how do u enjoy rain...sitting at home?

I am, thank you. No better way to spend a rainy day than sitting in front of the pc after enjoying coffee😉 abt, having Corns, fritters or strong ginger tea.....I just love them

Corn would be nice but we don't have them in the house. Ginger tea is good too, but my stomach couldn't handle it. I used to love green tea and turmeric but maybe I'm getting old, lol!

I remember how much I used to actually like getting dressed in wettable clothing and walking through the pouring rain! Sometimes it would rain so hard I could feel the rain running down my legs like someone dumped a bucket on me! Good times

Must be fun!

I'm often tempted to walk and bathe in the rain but never did at least these recent years.

it is morning here but already raining.

woke up not long ago… 😂

Good morning :)

top of the morning to you my lady!!! Hahaha. Still raining?

Yes, still raining now but not as hard as earlier. 2 pm over here 😅

This is the longest I've had to wait for the results of a #contest on Hive ever!

which contest?

Last weekends leaderboard contest

oh yeah i forgot about that

what contest is that ?

Last weekends leaderboard Contest

What are you waiting for... Christmas? Go about your life, win or lose, do something with it! Hehehe!

I want my won leo to stake.... NOW! lol

Living my life fully or not, it's still waiting for the results

So many events happening around me but here I am, in the house, "recuperating" 😆

Its a new day in here, Good morning family.

Increasing the number of MAUs and Pageviews a Labour for All

#threadstorm #outreach

  1. Heard of monthly active users and pageviews in leofinance community? Tried finding it if you are adding or subtracting the number?
  1. To a much greater extent, i think increasing the number of monthly active users on leofinance and in extension to all communities in hive blockchain is a labor for all with the following reasons;
  1. A tree doesn't make a forest and for a large space of land to be called a forest there must be many trees. For leofinance and in extension to all communities to be booming, it must have been that engagement is the watchword.
  1. No one is an iceland of knowledge and so, if all should put in there knowledge in various areas of the community, there will be a shoot in the number of monthly active users and pageviews now that the community isn't only for finance.
  1. Want to know more about my thought on this and how to increase the number of pageviews and MAU's, press the link below

#leofinance #posh

On study weekends we share food with friends by having a picnic in the square, this time we prepared a shawarma.😍

#foodiesbeehive #foodie #fastfood

wow! this made me hungry!

This is definitely exquisite and provocative

Caería bien unos para rematar el almuerzo de hoy jajaja

A mini burger for the road, while we get to our kitchen for something to eat. 😜
#foodiesbeehive #foodie #fastfood

A super burger, so good! Nice entry @edwing357

I usually make them at home, but this one was a day out with my little daughter 😍

wow can I have a taste

One of my favorite fast foods 😋

Yummy right?

Super delicious 😍


This one is small, you should see the big ones 🤣

Ham.... hamburer!!! #YUMMY

They are always good to satisfy hunger for a while. 🤣

this burger looks appetizing, I prefer the fries without sauces.

I can eat it in all the ways that images I can eat it in all the ways that images

Time without greeting you friend, how is everything going? the mini burgers look too good

Holaa amiga, bien gracias a dios, compartiendo full con mi hijito estos días, hoy sale unas mini para seguir la saga con los parques jajaja

Eso se ve relativamente delicioso 🤤.

Es hora de comer otra vez 😁

Recruitment Process

Preparing, Sourcing, Screening,

Selecting, Hiring, and Onboarding
#pepetoken #microlearning source

"We will get back to you sooner" - the recruitment quote

Okay, thank you. 🐸

Rebranding the Leoverse has be sounding like the trending new on hive.
THere Are alot of benefits that comes with rebranding the Leoverse.



check out my post below to see some of the importance and my suggestion



A lot of name has recently been suggested but the leo term is yet to select any name. I talked about some of the importance of rebranding the Leoverse.



What a great week in the gardens of #Hive! #Votes are open for this weekend #hivegarden #gardening #authorpolls

This should be a "nocontest", @clareartista winner by a landslide! 🤔

The voting just started and it will run until Sunday :)

The more votes, the better!

Yes :) Hope more people will participate in the voting

¿La guitarra eléctrica tiene cabida en la salsa?
Does Electric guitar fit in salsa music?
#music spanish #englishtoo #threadstorm

La guitarra es parte del son cubano desde comienzos del siglo XX. ¿Pero qué ha pasado con la versión eléctrica del instrumento?
Guitar has been part of Cuban son since beginning of 20th century. What happened to the electric version?

¡Entérate en este post!
Find it out in this post!

Me waiting for the bananas to be ready to eat.
#plantpowervegan #foodie #fruits.

Bananas are so good! Nice photo @edwing357

He needed to mature a little bit hahaha 😆

Wow! I haven't seen that early stages of fruit for a long, long time now. Thanks for sharing!

It is a blessing to be able to have the plants at home, to see how the fruits grow and then to eat them.

🧵 1. Coinbase's approval for offering crypto futures to US retail customers is seen as a regulatory victory amid the battle with the country's securities regulator. #crypto

🧵 2. National Futures Association grants Coinbase permission to operate a Futures Commission Merchant platform, a significant win for the exchange and the crypto industry.

🧵 3. Coinbase CEO hails the approval as a major moment for crypto clarity in the US, placing the exchange alongside traditional finance firms offering Bitcoin and Ether futures.

🧵 4. With the global crypto derivatives market worth nearly $3 trillion, this approval expands Coinbase's total addressable market, providing enhanced exposure and flexibility for investors.

🧵 5. Coinbase's approval to offer crypto futures increases its position as a pivotal access point for traders, marking a critical milestone for the company and the industry.

One more victory!

I'm not impressed. Financial markets go up and down, to be sure... but the slightest bit of negative news and half the Cryptosphere panic dumps and head for the exits. "Resilience?" What resilience?
#crypto #markets

When over $800million sell out, it is not "slight".

800M worldwide is nothing

A matter of perspective, I guess. $800 million compared to a market cap of $515 billion. That's less than one six-hundreth of the value...

Newbie here. Need frens.

O.O welcome man

Start commenting

Well take the time to read, write, comment and vote. It all comes back to you.

We are here for you, welcome

am fren


Ooh replies! I came here expecting I'd just be threading into a void. Good to know there's a community! :D

Hello friend! Thread along!

Welcome to the community, do some, click on the follow button ✅✅✅

Welcome and have fun around :)

Hi fren. 🐸

No one said the end of bear season wasn't going to be rough

Are you actually predicting that there's an end to this crazyness? I have a sneaking suspicion we have another 18-24 months of this still to come... but time will tell!


It starts and ends with a bang, if you buy into the 4 year cycle, things start to recover in year 3 (2024) and will peak before crashing again in 2025. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if we see bitcoin at $14,000 in a dramatic dump before recovering.

But yeah, I'm just making wild predictions like everyone else

rough is an understatement

But rough patches are part of every journey

Calling out creative minds.

The Ladies of Hive community anniversary is coming up! How can you describe the community in ONE, TWO, or THREE words?

👇 #ladiesofhive

Empowering women!

Thanks sis! Put your comment under this post.

when I first joined hive, their weekly prompt gave me great ideas and enhance my writing.

That's good to know :)

They are best at everything

That's so nice of you :) I'm thanking you on behalf of the Ladies

in the meantime I am working on a new song and a new podcast about growing up in Japan and the collectivist mindset

Stake Based Curation

Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.

For more info check below ⬇️


I seriously cannot fucking stand liars. It takes so much effort to lie. Just be fucking honest. #rant

That face you make when you know they're lying, but you let them keep talking...

where did you get this Pic of me? Lol

LMAO! I knew it looked familiar. 😁

😂 With the joint and everything

I agree, though sometimes when lies are so obvious and outlandish it becomes more entertaining than irritating 😅

this is true

Even more entertaining, play two truths and a lie with a habitual liar and see what kind of BS they come up with 😜

Some people are good at that.


I hate liars!

so infuriating

You betcha!!! Why do they have to lie??? They are complicated individual!

Outstanding! This is the best that #freecompliments has ever trended. Let's keep this going - spreading kindness throughout Threads and Hive. 😊

come on can do better than that

You're right! Let's do even better. Teamwork will win here. 💪

#gmfrens #threadstorm !hbit // This thread is only for the daily #zapfic serial #GHAWG

No other zapfic goes here. No contests, no quests. Only comments go here (no zapfic except mine for #ghawg)

Entry for 23Aug18 in reply below 👇


As it was, we reached Seattle in 3 days. Since Harry's last trip there 15 years earlier, The Emerald City had turned sickly pale. It was less vibrant and more ill. That's what happens when people care about the wrong things.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

🧵 1

Distinct Evolution

Hive emerged from a Steemit hard fork but has since charted its own path, evolving into an independent and unique blockchain platform.

#outreach #threadstorm

🧵 2

Hive's introduction of HBD as a stablecoin, with a clear peg and high APR, sets it apart from Steemit's volatile SBD, enhancing user confidence and financial stability.

🧵 3

Hive's focus on community projects, such as HIVE gaming, tokens, and quality content incentives, highlights its dedication to innovation and fostering a vibrant ecosystem.

🧵 4

Hive's decentralized structure grants users greater control over their assets, differentiating it from Steemit's more centralized governance under Justin Sun.

Many thanks for sharing your content via the Outreach threadstorm. We recommend interacting with others on threads as it is the goal of the initiative. 😉

Sure. I like interacting with others as well. Thanks for your interest.

I see we've discovered that H1 markdown code works on Threads.


yes markdown works

Should we all thread in H1 now so we stand out? What do you think?

truly sorry to #crossculture contents participants. We will wait till the release of leocache to announce the winners. It should be coming in a few days. In the meantime please leave a link to your thread if you see this!

I really want to build my vocabulary for better, I think I should read more


Do you know, now you can buy 'credits' in splinterlands game using GLX and GLUSD tokens as both tokens are added to buy Credits.

#outreach #threadstorm #splinterlands


This is a good addition and although we have many coins listed including all leading along with HIVE and HBD. This is good for us as now there is more token utility for GLX and GLUSD.

Well, I must express my profound gratitude for the utterly enlightening piece of information you've shared with me – the fact that one can now, apparently, indulge in the monumental endeavour of acquiring these illustrious...

The fact that a games assets are able to buy a game's goods is what a crypto economy is all about. Hodling with no use case is a stupid reason to have an asset.

While I do concede that possessing an asset with no apparent purpose might be perceived as a rather unintelligent motivation, I dare to introduce that the pursuit of accruing yield from the very same token as a legitimate use case.

well, I do own a fair amount of HBD that's all in savings, so... [grins sheepishly]

Having the use case is important and HBD is a different case.

Is leodex down?

Neither for me.

I will try again. Maybe it will work this time.

If not then clear out the cache and try again. Changing the browser can also solve the problem.

Ok thanks, I will try that.

Not for me.

Good for you. I tried to send 10 $HIVE twice but it has been refunded back to my Hive account twice too.

Oh, that means there is no available liquidity. You can use other channels.

It's now successful. I wonder why I forgot to use TribalDex.

Good to hear :) Sounds like your stacking up on L2 tokens 😉

I am just focusing on accumulating 50M $SPORTS for my wife's account's curation activity.

Your comment didn't show up on LeoFinance front end, so I am using ecency in this reply.



Oh, is that so? Thanks for the info.

When you say 'send' do you mean to another Hive account, or something else?

I think he was trying to swap HIVE to Swap.Hive

From Hive Wallet to LeoDex wallet.

So a deposit to leodex of hive. The box will show you your hive wallet balance as the deposit source.

Anyhow, it's ok now. I used tribaldex instead. Thanks!

I usually use this swapping bridge but it seems their fee increased.

Or you can also use:

You can use #USwap ( or #KSwap ( to swap between HIVE and SWAP.HIVE with a maximum of 0.5% fee, and sometimes get a rebate (instead of a fee) when swapping! 😎😏


What's the most modern plant?
A courant bush.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


El #criptolatinfest continúa en Bogotá y les traemos la nueva entrega del movido evento (literal) en el feed de #Hive #lovinghive

🧵 / 1

Who else have bought #hive todsy @ $0.28. Yesterday, I placed bet at $0.30. Today placing at $0.27. #market #crypto #investment #stake #hpud

Good morning Leo Family


Could the 20% APR of HBD be hurting the price of hive? When you think about it it takes work, effort and time to make about 9%-11% hive while a minute to make 20% HBD APR

Actually, HBD is the subset of Hive, not the other way around. The amount of HBD available depends on the Market Cap of HIVE. If anything, a price dump on HIVE would hurt HBD!

I've actually read about this before (was it your article, possibly?). The 20% APR would decrease the demand of $HIVE but at the same time, it stabilizes $HBD which is very important as that has potential real-world utility.

In fact $HBD hold the value of $HIVE of drop more.

It took me a couple of reads but I think I get what you're saying. Staking and voting 🆚 simply moving HBD into savings. Amount of effort never correlates to amount of reward here or in RL, otherwise you would see maids in yachts 🛥️

Could it be that it discourages the purchase of other tokens?

Yep that was more of what I was going for. People would be dumping INTO HBD and care less and less about Hive because you earn nearly twice the amount in HBD then you do Hive.

Early morning drinking water is very healthy, just taking a cup

You should drink about 500ml to 1L of water upon waking up, as you dehydrate all night long while you sleep.

Yes it's very healthy and makes my skin glow hahahahah

Just joking, @beauty197 , but are you sure that ain't the sweat that makes you glow. lol

hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah hahahahah noooo I don't think so

Just a cup? First thing I do, I drink a glass (8oz) of water. It has become a habit. Then, I have my cup of coffee, hahaha!

I have green tea after water, I don't like coffee
Water first

Yes, first thing every morning.

very important

especially warm water, if not for any other thing it improves bowl movement.

Not warm is normal water

How about a glass of Serpentina tea? 😅

don't know about that, I only do green tea and black tea

It's extreme bitter taste bites like a serpent.



Testing to see if Leo price has being corrected

Not sure about "corrected," but at least it's off the mark where it sat for weeks and weeks...

Definitely, just hope the price update get fixed and it will be realtime too

I feel like there was just one person threading for the last 30 minutes and it was freakin me out!

Oh, I guess you join too, let keep it going.

Haha, yep. That was Ms. B

Seems like most people are hibernating

Hahaha, I respond to her, and she's unstoppable! Hehehe!!!

yeah that was a little much

If I had followed only threads with #movies tag I would have felt the same.

Ya sabes? En los comercios Afiliados al HBD-HIVE en #hivesucre puedes pagar en farmacia, panadería, parques, cafetería, librería, repuestos, tecnología y mucho mucho más.
Que esperas! Únete.
#criptoadoption #hivesucre #hive #promohive

You know? In HBD-HIVE Affiliated stores in #hivesucre you can pay in pharmacy, bakery, parks, cafeteria, bookstore, spare parts, technology and much much more.
What are you waiting for! Join us.
#criptoadoption #hivesucre #hive #promohive

!gif hhhh

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP tokens

remaining commands 1


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

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Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

"Invite memebers for 69 years of good luck!"

for A new member snuck in to #pepetoken community wen I wasn't watching! Welcome new members!

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