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RE: LeoThread 2023-10-31 00:09

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Good morning frens!

I feel so wasted after waking up at 2 a.m. for the Space. I think it's time to get back for some snooze, especially since the Wen Soon Show/AMA is happening tonight. Will need the energy to be awake by then, lol!


It's been a real marathon! But you're doing well, stay strong in this campaign, and recharge your energy for later! Have a good night's sleep, see you later!

Thank you. It's been a long month but yes, let's finish the race :)

oh my, That was the middle of the night for you.this last space was evening forme and I liked it.The one that usually fall at midnight hasn't been easy, I usually feel drowsy after the sleepless nights.You Should sleep back and rest more!

Yes, most of the Spaces are wee hours for me, even the AMA (Wen Soon Show). It's tough when it happens successively and even when we rest during the day, it's still different when we sleep well at night.

Gud mornin' fren! :)