The Notions on Family 'Responsibilities'

in LeoFinance10 months ago (edited)

I grew up in a family circle that believes everyone has a role to play in life and that each one is responsible for his or her own good. Whilst we help each other in difficult times and celebrate together in wonderful times, no one is completely reliant on the other. That is probably the reason why it often shocks me the most hearing stories from people about the challenges they face because their families look up to them for financial support even when they are physically able to fend for themselves.

I got to spend time with a friend in that situation some years ago during a holiday trip to Hong Kong. She shared she was her "family's slave."

Her 4 siblings, already of age, were all out of school, and her parents were still in their early 50s and "healthy as a carabao" in her own words. They used to work she said, but the moment she went abroad, they stopped altogether and started asking for their monthly allowance from her. At that time, she had already been working overseas for 5 years.

Helping is one thing, but being abused is another

I told her then that she should let her family know how tough her work is and the hardship she is enduring. I thought doing that would at least make them wake up and not rely solely on her like they were pensioners waiting for their monthly pay whilst she was busting her ass off to make ends meet.

Another suggestion I gave her then was perhaps to put up a small business for them to run and it can become their source of living and hopefully, they will not continue to look up to her month after month.

She is still overseas now and doing exactly the same thing as she did all those years. At 48, she never really had the chance to settle down or have her own family because as she puts it, she's her family's "milking cow" and having her own will mean doubling the struggle.

Setting boundaries

A few months back, she shared her deepest predicaments. She was feeling worthless and unappreciated. That her family only sends her messages when they need something and they don't even ask how she was doing.

In exasperation, I teased her she had spoiled them for years. That she isn't doing them any favor at all because up until now, she still treats them like they don't have their own two arms and feet to find ways to make a living. And that makes them continuously think she has an easy life.

"You love your fam I know, but what happens then when you suddenly lose your job and it will take a long while to find a new one? Will they go hungry just waiting for their pension from you?" I asked.

"Or what if something happens and puff! You will be gone?" I was all worked up, feeling sorry, and also baffled by how her own family treated (and still treats) her so. "Honestly, I'm tired... very tired..." she cried.

No matter how much she wanted to give her all to her family, she is on the verge of her limits, and resentment is building up. For sure she has some dreams of her own yet she couldn't even do something about them because she's tied to what she feels are her responsibilities.

It is okay to help the people we care about but we should set some limits and find ways for them to stand on their own too. Because whether we like it or not, we won't be around forever.

The Wrong Notions on Responsibilities

I personally believe it is wrong for parents to even think that it is okay to make their offspring take over the responsibilities of providing for the family. It is understandable when they are of old age or are no longer able due to illness or other circumstances.

And it is equally a mistake for children to think they can (or need) to repay what their parents had done for them. We owe our existence to them, that's a given, but thinking we have to pay them back for that and for other reasons is so wrong in my opinion. Because no matter what we do or how much riches we shower upon them, we can never repay them. And such thoughts of repaying will eventually turn things into a responsibility (burden) instead of doing them out of love and joy.

This is my participation for the first question on this week's edition of the LoH prompt.

Lead image by Oleksandr P. No copyright infringement intended. 22082023/11:15ph

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Some parents really see their kids as an investment, just because they spend a lot in their studies. It's sad kapag ganito na ee, ei na din makakapiyok yong iba because of utang na loob and they really should do that much. Pero ang masiste talaga, invesent na nga amg turing, ni wala pang appreciation na marereceive from them. Because of that, na dedepress talaga yong iba. Nakaka lumgkot na ganito lang, naiisip ako kapag nakakarinig ako ng kwento na ganito talaga.

It's saddening sis. Marami ang ganito, kaya daming tumatanda sa abroad na walang ipon kasi buwan-buwan padala. It has become a cycle ba.


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My heart goes out to your friend @ifarmgirl! She obviously had to/ still is, sacrifice a lot by having to work in a strange country, and then gets treated like that by her family.
My hubby 💔 used to help so many people financially, but only up to a point when they tried to abuse his kindness. Helped and encouraged them to find work, sometimes successfully.
I totally agree with you that she needs to set up boundaries and rather encourage them to set up a little business. It's pointless 'killing' oneself like this, if she breaks down, she can't help herself, let alone anyone else!
Not an easy situation to get out of, now that they've become used to it!

Thank you, Lizzie. Really tough for her and it's going to keep on unless she does something about it. I often tell her she isn't getting any younger. Hope things will change for her soon and not later.

It is a shame what happened CJ, I know some filipinas who that has happened to. I know one who has been in HK for 20 years and missed her three kids growing up. Not quite the same thing, but she was supporting her siblings and parents to the detriment of her children. They have now grown up.

It is indeed, Tito Ed. Really sad that there are many in similar situations and most of them end up growing old, coming home still broke.

she was supporting her siblings and parents to the detriment of her children.

That is quite worse, neglecting her own kids just so she can provide for her siblings and parents.

Yes it is worse, and she would not listen to me... you women!

Sigh... Hope she wakes up before it gets too late.

A perfect family is a perfect life. Managing children is an art of living.

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And this is exactly why I enjoy giving my mother things. She makes it a point to remind me time and time again, with every gift, every show of appreciation, that I don't have to. She tells me that I should focus on me because she can still work. She still does but I want to. Mostly because I love her to death. And I just want to spoil her. She is (in my opinion) one of the few parents who would push you towards your dreams not caring that they may end up feeling alone without you. I am always on the road because I love the joy that comes with providing for my home. And that woman is the peace I look forward to when I get home.

I am really sorry about your friend. I hope she was (is) able to deal with this. I have aunts and uncles like that who have tried to get to me but my mother (just because they have leeched her) is like a guard dog because according to her, "I am too trusting and if anything, they should provide for me". It was a huge fight between us both actually because I wanted to help but she kept preventing it. I did not see until months later when I came face to face with the truth that the whole thing was an act by this aunt of mine to get money (that I don't even have) from me. Mom said, "I know my siblings. You don't."

Hopefully, your friend is able to make the required change. Sorry for the looooooong comment!

And that is pure love, Dera. You do those things out of love, and not because of thoughts like it is your responsibility. And that makes the difference. I believe you are happier doing it because it doesn't feel a burden to you at all.

I'm glad your Mom protects you from people whose purpose is to take advantage of you. It makes the heart warm knowing that :)

And I so love the loooong comment😍 so worry not !LADY

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Wow, you hit the nail on the head, this usually happens in my country, anyone who manages to travel out of the country is automatically the breadwinner and it's so sad. I feel parents are usually selfish in this manner, making a child feel guilty for not being able to repay them for all they have done and just as you've said, we can't even repay them, we only try our best to care for them but not at the expense of our happiness, cause when we go broke everybody will disappear.

Yeah, really sad. It seems such things happen almost everywhere. And I think it's up to the person involved too, to do something about it.


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The person involved really need to do something about it so they don't lose their joy.

This is what happens to the people working overseas. The family behind doesn't think about the hardship the person is doing for them, but they only cares about the money and believe me it really hurts.

It seems like that. While some families value their loved one's efforts in a faraway land, others tend to abuse them.


I am feeling sad to hear the incident happened with you friend. She almost burnt her life for her family. Her parents did unfair in my opinion and she never has the power to say no. Now she can do nothing except regretting.

It's heartbreaking, Inti. I mean, imagine working all your life for people who actually can do something for themselves.


It's really a tough situation to be having to give so much so that one ends up neglecting themselves. There are similar kind of things happening over here too. For me, the notion of paying back debt feels wrong to be as it is often abused consciously and subconsciously. The most important responsibility is taking care of oneself.

Yes, too often, people tend to do that to themselves. I think it is better to do things out of love than doing them thinking they are a way to pay back.


Definitely, it's more appreciated and respected from that viewpoint on both parties. The 'pay me back for what I have done for you' viewpoint is a burden that can't be carried for long.

That's very true indeed.

It is so sad what your friend is going through, it is even understandable if her parents are no longer able to help themselves, and even as that she still has to put a kind of limit to it instead of sacrificing her whole life.

I hope she will find a way to do the needed, by setting a limit of things she can and cannot do for her family.

I like the fact that her love for them has no bounds, but I think the way she does it is also detrimental to her own happiness. Hoping she will get a break sooner. Thank you !LADY

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Wow, parang naging pensyonado ang pamilya.

Daming ganyan dito sa Pinas which is really saddening.

A good and perfect family makes us happy
That's what I wrote last and I really wish to have a happy family

All the best to you on your wish !LADY. Hope you get to experience what you believe is a perfect family.

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Hi dear @ifarmgirl,

Can we have a chat on discord if u don't mind?

I would appreciate your time.

Thank you.

I absolutely agree with you on this, sis. Children cannot assume the responsibilities of their parents for a family that they did not decide to form in the first place. That's an absurdity.
It is one thing to help our parents in difficulties or when they are old and can't fend for themselves, but it is another thing to shoulder their responsibilities.
It is very unfortunate what is happening to your friend.

It is absurd indeed sis but sadly, there are those who think like that, passing everything to their children even when they are still able.

My apologies sis, for this late reply. I can't believe to have missed this before hehe.


Don't apologize, sis! There's nothing easier than missing a comment inside the notifications 😉

Yes, it is an unfortunate situation and a bit absurd, passing on responsibilities to children like that. Here that's not seen much, to be honest. But I guess there's something cultural in that behavior which from what I've seen is not that uncommon over there.

Hehe, thank you, sis.

And that's true, it's in the culture. It's good such isn't common there :)