We're Still On the HIVE Escalator: It's Not as Bad as You Might Think

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The floor.

Hive is @ $0.37, Should We Worry?

Is it really as bad as we might think? Has the winds changed coarse, is it time to dump HIVE? Is it time to bug out, run out into the mountains and live on ferns and dandelions?


Run to the hills, BTC is down to $36K!

The HIVE Escalator is Still Going UP!

We are continuing to watch HIVE ride the escalator up and up. Every time the BTC value dips, we watch it bounce right back up again.

While we are watching a consistent rise in HIVE value, it's a tempting time to sell for BTC, while BTC is nosediving.



Here is the part that gets me in trouble sometimes. I'm not a financial advisor, don't listen to my amateur advice. I'm just telling you what I see when I look at the chart. Don't get wrekt, not because of my ramblings. Do your own research, If I'm wrong, show me where I'm wrong.

I see a correction coming.

The platform.

The strongest trend line is above where the HIVE BTC price is currently. It's likely that the unusual goings on in the crypto world is suppressing the BTC price.

What Will the Next "Bubble" Look Like?

We're seeing three levels, lower - middle - high. The high is a prediction of what the next pump or bubble might look like. The middle is the general trend that HIVE corrects to. The lower is (for now) where HIVE likes to jump up from.

Next time we see HIVE jump up, it might be somewhere along the red line below:

The ceiling.

My Fauchi Statement

I could imagine we might be able to, in a possible scenario, given the data we currently have, trade in our hard-earned HIVE for BTC somewhere between 0.000014 each and 0.000021 each, if we imagine conditions that are congruent with such a trade value.

Got that? Good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for info and tips

Hive is @ $0.37, Should We Worry?

I did not even looked at the price in the previous days.
I would not worry. It was much much lower in the past.
If I would have the money, then I would buy some.
But probably it will go even lower soon, so maybe it is worth to wait. This is not an investment advice, just/only my opinion.

hive seems to be holding off pretty nicely for now.

Thanks for sharing this analysis will be watching how it holds up against BTC in the coming days

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It looks pretty bullish to me.

Agreed. All things considering we haven't dipped that badly. Perhaps it is a testament to our small but loyal community who understand the long term game