What have been your worst financial decisions?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I just remembered I have another limiting belief. I read @josediccus's post in the morning and couldn't help but feel guilty. I have always had money. Never used it for me. I have always wanted to make the next person happy. It could be a friend, a fiancee, a parent, a sibling, or any relative.

I usually thought I may not see them again. Life has a way of taking them away within a twinkle of an eye. So every damn opportunity I get, I try to serve them with my funds, my hard-earned money.

Parting with my funds never helped anyone
It will shock you to know that never has this helped them get out of their situations. Instead, it escalates. Soon, they begin feeling deserving. They want more. And at some point, I get exhausted out of everything including funds. Then, they leave.

I'll be left by myself to start afresh from anywhere. When it starts getting rosy again, life brings another human. Time and time again, I forget the past and start again. The same mistake. More than once.

I never seem to learn my lessons. I always throw the hurts out the window and have faith in humanity again. Again and again.

Today, @josediccus stops me in my tracks and I cried. I cried not because I have been foolish a lot of times, no, I cried because I remember what each person had said to me the day we went separate ways. It came back, rushing off as though it happened yesterday, the wounds get scratches, blood starts oozing out in the form of tears.

I should not be doing this. Crying over split milk. No. I am encouraged by what he wrote when he said,

It's sentimental to invest in people when you're just a new millionaire, it becomes logical when you're an established millionaire, and it is rather rational to choose to grow when you're exposed to money you never really worked for.People & Assets: A Probable Investment?

I have been sentimental about my funds. I have been misguided to think the different people in my life deserve to be taken care of at the expense of my financial freedom. I have been stupid. Stupid. No, I have been an idiot.

I am glad I have been exposed to the right financial principles recently, and I am learning all that I can. Never again, will I allow the burden of feelings and sentiments to rid me of my hard earn money when it is supposed to be working for me.

I am confident that once I am wealthy, my loved ones will be well taken care of. I won't be able to do that if I keep misguiding my money. If I continue to send my money to the wrong places, I am selling my life energy and it will get to the point I won't have enough energy to start afresh. Then I would become the old woman who depends on another to live and breathe till the next day.

No, I'll make amends. I will start taking care of my finances. I will look into every tiny detail. Learn about all the investment portfolios. Understand the market, and make better financial decisions.

I won't be an idiot anymore. I promise myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think what you've been doing that you call stupidity is what I can term "Selfless" that shit doesn't work out well girl...

You've got to take care of yourself, your finances and your happiness in order to give others same.

Establish yourself and find better ways to spend your earnings in the right direction to avoid drainage.

People are merciless when they come begging, they always want to take nit minding if you have enough to give.

I learnt from you and Jose, nicely written dear

Got here through @dreemport

I think what you've been doing that you call stupidity is what I can term "Selfless" that shit doesn't work out well girl...

Now, I know the difference, and I have realized it wasn't worth it. I'll repent as always... Hehehehe

You've got to take care of yourself, your finances and your happiness in order to give others same.

I just recently realize I cannot give what I do not have. So I need to take care of me, to be able to take greater care of others.

Establish yourself and find better ways to spend your earnings in the right direction to avoid drainage.

I'll do just that. Thanks for this encouragements and advice darling 🙂🤗❤️

People are merciless when they come begging, they always want to take nit minding if you have enough to give.

Gosh, once they are aware you have certain things, they will drain you of everything, then, walk away when it's finished.

I learnt from you and Jose, nicely written dear
Got here through @dreemport

Thank you very much for reading darling.

We have made very bad and costly financial decisions and these decisions ended up affecting us. I am glad you learnt from your mistake and now ready to make amends.

@dreemport directed me to your post

Yes, you are right, those decisions are bad, and they cost us alot. I am happy I have learned early too. Yes, I am ready to make amends. Thanks alot sweetheart 😘

Taking care of others financially is not bad, but the hardest truth I have learned in my life is that the other's care should not be at the expense of one's own well being be it financial, physical or psychological. If you won't stay healthy (including financial health) you can never extend your care to others. So it is important to not drain out the energies.


This is true. It's not bad to take care of them. It's only bad if it's at the expenses of our health(financial, psychologically and otherwise).

So I'll learn to take care of my energies so I will have enough to share it with others instead of depleting everything.

Thanks for your advice ma'am

Take very good care of yourself, dearie

Made so many stupid financial decisions in the best but I try not to think about it at all.

All I can do is make the right choices now.

I am happy you have started making right decisions just as I am trying to do too. We'll both get this right, I am positive. Thanks for reading dear

Thanks for writing 😊

I'm right there with you when it comes to giving away resourcing to people around us because we believe they deserve it then at the end of the day we are left high and dry with only ourselves to rely on to get out of the rust.
The decision you have taken to guard your finances and grow is a most commendable one that I have no doubt will serve you well in the future, good job.
Thanks to #dreemport for sharing.

I'm right there with you when it comes to giving away resourcing to people around us because we believe they deserve it then at the end of the day we are left high and dry with only ourselves to rely on to get out of the rust.

Gosh, we have been misled by our emotions for so long.🤦😌

The decision you have taken to guard your finances and grow is a most commendable one that I have no doubt will serve you well in the future, good job.

I am optimistic as much as you are, thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it.

I have learnt a lot from this write up. You never did anything wrong though,I don't agree that you are an idiot helping them. God loves a cheerful giver, you played your part in their lives and no matter how they turned out and treated you badly,your reward is still great from God's stand point. However, I will never forget the part you cited from "People & Assets". It makes sense a lot. Make God reward you and open more doors for you dear

My rewards is coming? Oh Gosh, this so so Nice of you. I believe it too. May God reward you too ma'am. Thank you very much for reading and for the encouragement.

My pleasure. Thanks

Hello Brave One @iskafan. I admire your courage to look at your behaviours and your decision to act differently. I do not think you are stupid. You were behaving in a way that didn't get you the result that you wanted, and that left you feeling burnt.

But you're learning and you're willing to change. So remember that when you look in the mirror and choose names to call yourself. I see a woman who is brave and willing to do something different.

The words of the late Maya Angelou come to mind at this time:

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maybe it really is that simple.

Hugs (from a woman who also has her own unhelpful habits with money and who too, is learning).

Hello Brave One @iskafan

I love this name you have given me 🥺🙈

I admire your courage to look at your behaviours and your decision to act differently.

That's the best way to live, right? Looking at our behaviors and acting differently. Or I'm I wrong? I'll correct myself if I am

I do not think you are stupid. You were behaving in a way that didn't get you the result that you wanted, and that left you feeling burnt.

Oh, that's a relief. And you are very correct. 😔

But you're learning and you're willing to change. So remember that when you look in the mirror and choose names to call yourself. I see a woman who is brave and willing to do something different.

I won't do it anymore, I promise. I will always remember that I am brave and not stupid. Thanks for the encouragement and the uplifting appreciation. I really needed this. 🥺

I'll do the best that I can, I promise you again.

Hugs (from a woman who also has her own unhelpful habits with money and who too, is learning).

I am glad to have a partner 🙈. Thank you very much for everything 🥺. I appreciate you. 😊

🤗 Love it! Yes, being kind to ourselves and realising that we're always learning and growing is WAY better than saying nasty things to ourselves. Nice work Brave One 😉

Yes, being kind to ourselves and realising that we're always learning and growing is WAY better than saying nasty things to ourselves.

I'll keep this lesson close to my heart 🥺🙈❤️❤️ thanks

Definitely all related to acting without thinking or not reading about what I was going to do. So, invest in something without researching or reading about how it works or what the yields would be like. You have to be careful with these attitudes

Definitely all related to acting without thinking or not reading about what I was going to do.

I am so sorry about this. I am sure by now, you have learned from the past, and you corrected your moves from there.

So, invest in something without researching or reading about how it works or what the yields would be like. You have to be careful with these attitudes

I'll do my very best, sir. I'll do my due diligence in all of my investment decisions instead of being sway from Public opinions. Thank you very much

Basically, people wouldn't know this. Sentimental investment on people isn't all that bad but then it can slowly ruin a person who isn't well established. I specifically believe that when its impotant to have a rational mindset when it comes to investing on people. Irrespective of one's fear that people might die and not really enjoy our goodwill I believe most people we expect might not be there for a long time are the ones that ends up being there for a long while.
This is while building oneself is better firstly. Most baby millionaires makes this mistake, they invest in people firstly without taking time to nuture their wealth.

@tipu curate for your efforts

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sentimental investment on people isn't all that bad but then it can slowly ruin a person who isn't well established.

I am a victim of this ruin more times than I can mention, so I agree.

I specifically believe that when its impotant to have a rational mindset when it comes to investing on people. Irrespective of one's fear that people might die and not really enjoy our goodwill I believe most people we expect might not be there for a long time are the ones that ends up being there for a long while.

I am drumming this into my skull already. I will no longer be misled by my fears.

This is while building oneself is better firstly. Most baby millionaires makes this mistake, they invest in people firstly without taking time to nuture their wealth.

I'll take cognizant of this too. I'll learn to nurture my wealth first before any other thing.

tipu curate for your efforts

Thanks for the inspiration, the lessons learned today, and the tip. I appreciate you.


That heroism when its me who needs to be help.

It is sad when these same people do not even appreciate it and begin to feel entitled.

I hate it when it comes to that.. No one should feel entitled near me.

Giving or help should always be a choice, no one should be forced emotionally.

I like how taking care of my finances sounds. What is sad is.. Less people have a financial plan.

Having a plan will cut out all these heroic feeling, it may even be a grandiose delusion. It will not help anyone. Wisdom is the principal thing.

Thanks for driving the nail in further @iskafan

It is sad when these same people do not even appreciate it and begin to feel entitled

Sincerely, this happens all the time.

Giving or help should always be a choice, no one should be forced emotionally

A lot of people do this, they do not care how you feel, they want their way at all times.

I like how taking care of my finances sounds. What is sad is.. Less people have a financial plan

Well, that makes two of us. Since the two of us have started having financial plans, we can tell the next person, that would be four. The next two tells the next person, that makes 6, and so on.

Having a plan will cut out all these heroic feeling, it may even be a grandiose delusion. It will not help anyone. Wisdom is the principal thing.

Wisdom is exactly what we need. Nothing more.

Thanks for driving the nail in further @iskafan

My pleasure, thanks for reading dear. I appreciate it.

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WOW! when I started reading this post I didn't think I would relate so much to everything in this post.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I am happy you did. Thanks again for the tag on your post. I appreciate it.

It's my pleasure ❤️

Recently I bought a number of low-valued Layer 2 tokens purely for mooning potential without looking into factors such as liquidity. I treated these like lottery tickets, so I didn't spend much for them.

When I changed my mind on these Layer 2 tokens I went to sell them and discovered that due to lack of liquidity I would be unable to sell them, or I would be selling them at a huge loss.

Some low-valued Layer 2 tokens may well be worth the purchase, but I aped into these Layer 2 tokens instead of doing my own reasearch. This cost me precious SWAP.HIVE I could have used for more rewarding tokens.

The scale was small, but this could have easily been one of the many altcoins outside Hive, and then I would have been in the hole.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta