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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-15 05:40

in LeoFinancelast year

Potato was looked at as the #vegan #food source that helped prevent Scurvy
#foodie #liotes
2/ #threadstorm

Did you know that Another major nutrient in potatoes is potassium so give it some #vegan #foodie respect to this amazing #food

4/ #threadstorm

#vegan #food #fact about Potato
One medium-sized (5.3oz) skin-on potato has 110 calories, fat 0%, cholesterol 0%, fiber 7%, vitamin C 30%, Potassium 15%, vitamin B6 10%

3/ #threadstorm

Are potatoes part of your daily diet?

5/ #threadstorm

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I didn't know. Those in the early times didn't really eat lots of meat i guess.