An UnEnding Financial Struggle Till Death !

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Hey, Lovely people of the #Inleo community, I hope you all are fine and doing great, In this Post, I am going to discuss the Financial Struggle that every boy faces in his life until he dies. I will include my personal experience and share some stories/experiences from my life.

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I would like to start this post from this post by Charles Dickens

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.

Being a man is not easy. A man's life is full of struggle and hardships, His life has a very short span where he lives his life without being responsible or without being worried for his family.

It all starts when he enters his teen life, he starts to feel a sense of responsibility and the urge to take care of his family and this happens especially to the Elder boy of the family. Having this feeling is natural.

I am the Elder Son of my family like my father, after the death of my grandmother, my grandfather took responsibility for his kids ( 8 kids ) and tried his level best to give his kids the best life he could. he worked all his life to fulfil the financial and other needs of his family.

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He could have married another woman, but there is a perception in our society that stepmother doesn't care for your kids the way she cares for her real kids. This happens to both of my grandfathers, from my mother's side and also from my father's side. Both my grandmothers died very early.

I was born and raised in a middle-class family. I realized from a very early age that being a younger boy in the family, I am the one who will have the responsibility and I need to work hard to fulfil this duty.

And to fulfil this duty, I started to work from a very early age. Just after completing my Matriculation, I went to my uncle's shop to learn the work of an electrician. It was a very hard-working field.

while working, we needed to wind the Motor with copper wire, and in doing so, there were many situations I cut my fingers, it was very painful but it was necessary. It was part of the process.

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I still remember seeing my grandfather working in his old age, though he didn't need to do this at old age, he was a man of honour and he didn't want to become a burden on anyone, not even on his son. The financial struggle of a man only ends when he dies.

I am not saying this is wrong, this is right, and this is how nature has shaped us as men, and this is how it should be.

Women have the big responsibility to care for their family and home matters and man has the responsibility to go out and earn money to fulfil the basic needs of their families and I do respect them from the bottom of my heart for the work they do for their family.

Life has its ups and downs, so we need to make sure our needs are minimal so that when we are facing downtime, our financial struggle also remains minimal.

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Life has its ups and downs, so we need to make sure our needs are minimal so that when we are facing downtime, our financial struggle also remains minimal.

Generally speaking am kind of a spend thrift and should work on saving my hard earned money really this is a good financial advice from you.

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