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RE: Solar Installation In Roughly 4-6 Weeks

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Wow... ! That's a lot of money, but I'm sure it will feel better when you stop having to be concerned with the rolling outages. It does make sense to go all in if you are planning to stick around and you know there is chance of change for the better. I'm also sure some other folks will wish they had too.


Not really about sticking around and hoping it improves which it will not but living properly and feeling normal. I will be moving at some point to Europe as I have started looking already. That will be further down the road even if I buy something now.

Ah... ok...

Sorry, I meant to say "if there is NO chance for change", but I left the NO word out and it somewhat changed what I meant to be saying.

Understood what you meant and yes there is no chance for change here and this is expected to continue for many years still. Whoever buys my property will pay a premium or I will take it with me wherever I end up moving to. currently on a 2 hour power cut now and all I can hear is generators everywhere. Like having a tractor in your garden.

Oh ! I hadn't thought about the noise factor with everyone running a generator at once.

One more tick to add to the downside.

Considering what's going on, it would seem someone else, if they were determined to buy there, would be happy to find a home already set up with its own power source. Time will tell on that.... as always.

Guaranteed people would want this set up and will pay the extra because it sounds like a lot, but it would be paid off in two years or less . The constant power increases will make it seem even cheaper.