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RE: If You Are Not Preparing For AI, You Are Not Preparing For Your Future!

It's insane to me that people still think that AI is "no big deal". Ever since OpenAI chat became free I have been using it to write a ton of generic stuff for clients and no one noticed a difference.

You can literally go to a freelance website, find a job posting and copy the instructions into the chat without providing it any other info. If the posting is clear and the gig is to only write stuff based on a set of rules you have a finished piece in seconds. After 3-4 iterations it's a work of art ready to get cashed in.

Work smart, not hard. This opportunity won't last forever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Jerry, my dude, two weeks ago I did exactly the same on Upwork. Got a job, finished it in 90 minutes or so, and shared it with the client on the same day. I used Chat GPT to write almost every section.

He was so happy with both the quality and the turnaround time. Charged for 5 hours of work at a low rate and eventually, I got the money I deserved and well above that.

I even wrote the job proposal with Chat GPT in under a minute. Created a sample of a Litepaper I never wrote myself. 😂

Information is power only if you use it. While everyone is debating whether AI is good or bad for them, we are crushing with it. xD People don't realize this shit but we are sitting on a goldmine.

Clients don't give a fuck about your process, they just want results. If you can get them those results, you are their guy.

LFG bro! 🥂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta