
I love the Kiseki series. It's a large game series and there is currently 12 series out there. 10 of which has been localized. I have played the 10 that have been localized.

This is why I am so disappointed in the anime. It doesn't seem to appeal too much and I have a feeling that anime fans who aren't into the series will think it's bad as well.

There is so much lore in the games and I love all the easter eggs that it shows but the show is a massive dis-service to the fans of the series.

I don't mind if the main character is a character not mentioned much in the series but they didn't really do much in expanding on the lore. I wanted to know more about the events that happened in the series.

They even turned one of the mascot series in Crossbell/Erobonia arc into something that involved terrorists. I did not want to associate that character at all with those activities.

I felt like they did the bare minimum and I barely even got through the entire series. I forced myself to do so until the end.

They did a bunch of pointless things and I honestly think the last few episodes were the worst.

What was up with that dramatic choice for the main character? It was pathetic and that bs didn't explain anything. I have more questions than answers for anything that happened.

They could have done a lot more such as talk about the Salt Pillars, Ouroboros and many other things but it was mainly just about some bs decisions.

I don't understand why the main character was shot by an ally and kicked into the rivers in the sewer scene either. They could have just kicked her and it would have made the same result.

That's brutal.

This was the worst thing about the series that I have seen and I am sorely disappointed.

I have played the series and sunk hundreds of hours into it and I love the lore but this anime just sucked.

End of rant.

That's disappointing indeed! I would feel the same way :(