
The anime for the legend of heroes cold steel. If you don't play the games and don't want to get spoiled, don't read further.

I love the Kiseki series. It's a large game series and there is currently 12 series out there. 10 of which has been localized. I have played the 10 that have been localized.

This is why I am so disappointed in the anime. It doesn't seem to appeal too much and I have a feeling that anime fans who aren't into the series will think it's bad as well.

There is so much lore in the games and I love all the easter eggs that it shows but the show is a massive dis-service to the fans of the series.

I don't mind if the main character is a character not mentioned much in the series but they didn't really do much in expanding on the lore. I wanted to know more about the events that happened in the series.

They even turned one of the mascot series in Crossbell/Erobonia arc into something that involved terrorists. I did not want to associate that character at all with those activities.

I felt like they did the bare minimum and I barely even got through the entire series. I forced myself to do so until the end.

They did a bunch of pointless things and I honestly think the last few episodes were the worst.

What was up with that dramatic choice for the main character? It was pathetic and that bs didn't explain anything. I have more questions than answers for anything that happened.

They could have done a lot more such as talk about the Salt Pillars, Ouroboros and many other things but it was mainly just about some bs decisions.

I don't understand why the main character was shot by an ally and kicked into the rivers in the sewer scene either. They could have just kicked her and it would have made the same result.

That's brutal.

This was the worst thing about the series that I have seen and I am sorely disappointed.

I have played the series and sunk hundreds of hours into it and I love the lore but this anime just sucked.

End of rant.

That's disappointing indeed! I would feel the same way :(

I will pry on your secret thoughts

I think I am done with the ranting for now....maybe I'll rant more after I cool down and think about it a bit more.

I'm having therapy in my box 🙃

I feel better already in my box

I would have gotten one sooner if I know this was how it yet 🙃

Feel free to do so. Just make a container and rant out. It won't bug people if they don't want to see it.

Go go go :)

Lol. I just wanted to get my thoughts off my mind. It's sad when they ruin something you like and I forced myself to go through it.

I think it's the best thing to do to rid them.

Dump your thoughts in here.

I felt it was better to leave it in a container so people could ignore it if they wanted and so it didn't clog up the main feed.

I wish others are doing it too. I have seen many threading whatever to increase the count.

😅 I’ll be there to watch you rant

I am done ranting for now.

😅 let me go raid your privacy

I wanted to talk more about the kiseki series so I went back to this container

It is a pretty long series that goes back to the past and there are multiple different arcs to the legend of heroes series

The first is Dragon slayer which ended up pioneering the action jprg saga. I haven't -played this but it's one of the first games

The second is a trio of games called gagharv trilogy and it has a few games. I played them once in the past but I kind of forgot what they were about

The last is the kiseki or the trials series. It's a series that has been ongoing since the PSP era and it currently has 12 games.

The first three games take part in Liberl. It focuses on the main characters who want to be bracers. You can think of them as mercenaries.

The game was too large so they initially cut the first two games into 2 parts.

The first game focused more on understanding the area and what a bracer actually does.

I like this part and we learn a lot about the world through this.

The second game focuses more on a plot going on about the treasuries in the world.

The treasures were said to have been left by the goddess and they are guarded by divine beasts. In the end, there is an entire story behind it and you learn about multiple players in the story.

These players include the Septium Church, Ouroboros, Bracers and the countries.

You can also note that the energy source in the game is quite interesting as well because people have learned about orbal energy.

Orbal energy is very similar to that of electricity from our era and they have used it create a lot of tools similar to our current world.

For example, they created railroads, airships, phones, and even the internet.

The 3rd game is a game added later and it's exclusive to the PC.

It's slightly different but it follows the same general style and everything takes place in a dungeon.

You learn a lot about the past and also the things that happened after the events of the first two games.

The next 2 games takes place in Crossbell. A small country in the middle of two larger countries (Calvard and Erobonia).

Both countries claim they own this middle state and it's rife with politics.

You play as the main character who is a detective and leads a squad called the special support section.

The first game talks more about a drug revolving in the crossbell.

It pretty much has you try to figure out the culprits and it turns out to be the result fo a cult.

This cult is super messed up and you will have seen some disgusting story about a character in sky if you played it before.

The cult kidnapped children and experimented on them as well as used them in the sex trade for rich or powerful people.

The 2nd one is way more interesting. Apparently, if you beat it, you will realize that you are in a different reality.

Remember those treasures I mentioned before in sky? There was also one for crossbell.

Apparently that treasure in crossbell granted wishes and later killed herself because of it.

The people who worked under that treasure decided to recreate the person as homonculus.

In any case, it's a huge battle and there is even a coup against the two large neighboring countries using the treasures power.

The next part is Cold steel which takes part in Erobonia, one of the large countries that border Crossbell.

You play as the son of a noble and you enter a military academy.

There are a lot of things but you are placed in a special class and every month, you have field trips in the eastern part of the country.

Things happen and it gets far more complicated as things play out during your field studies.

From there, you finally find out about a civil war happening towards the end and even the prime minister is shown to have died. (shot through the heart).

There is a lot of politics there between the commoners and nobles and even between nobles.

The 2nd game is all about the civil war and you learn more about both sides.

You help the government side fight against the nobles and eventually get that to help that side win.

The end has a huge plot twist for the 2nd game.

Apparently the main character was the son of the prime minister who was thought to have been killed.

The 3rd and 4th game follows the same main character.

Between the 2nd and the 3rd, the main character is treated as a hero and helped annex both Crossbell and another country.

The other country was what was covered in the anime that I ranted about earlier.

You go through similar actions but on the west part of the country and uncover the entire scheme happening in the country.

There were 2 treasures in this country and they were broken part into various mechs. These mechs have a grand battle in the 4th game.

The 3rd game primarily focuses on them learning about the battle and starting the entire disaster.

The 10th game in the series takes place in Erobonia and crossbell.

it pretty much goes through all the characters and ends the story so that everyone gets closure.

This ends my discussion on the kiseki series or the legend of heroes series.