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RE: Leo Talk 6/17/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Ships are back to having infections. I wouldn't want to be on a cruise ship for at least another year or two.

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Oh that's bad news to the tourism industry. It looks like things are going to take a little longer to pick up again

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Yep and we are told the economy is going to do great. The hospitality industry is not going to get going before it shuts down.

With viruses, the secondary strains can be a bigger problems than the first one. Look for the mutation to cause major problems in 2022.

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Not looking forward to the secondary strains and what will happen with that.

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Yea it is. Now will we see the horrible situations a year back when entire ships got infected?

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I hope we learned our lesson, but honestly, I don't know... some people can be pretty stubborn

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I wouldn't be going anywhere near them for a few years. They're rough in the most safest times let alone in a pandemic. Sheesh

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The cruise industry is about dead. They are on life support and not likely to recover anytime soon.

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I have been to the Caribbean a few times. It is very nice. Not sure how I would feel about going on a cruise ship. Accommodations would surely be nicer than the ships I was on!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think I would like a cruise ship let alone with people getting ill due to Covid.

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