
He called Apple a "walled garden" 😂😂 That is actually true!

I have a feeling the app store issue will still be an issue on Tesla's store too.

I think the same.

“I think we do want to emphasize that our goal is to support the advent of sustainable energy,” Musk said in response to a question about letting competitors use its charger network. “It is not to create a walled garden and use that to bludgeon our competitors which is used by some companies.”

I didn't know Tesla was doing something like this. But it will make their network stronger and it's great for the development of EV industry.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah he isnt a fan of Tim Cook and his company.

Elon being Elon I guess.

What the hell, he had a great quarter so he can be a bit snippy if he wants.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

haha I'm with him on this one

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta