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RE: Leo Talk 6/17/21 - Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It looks like nuclear talks are back on the table. I wonder what will happen on this issue.

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Both Biden and Putin are positive about Geneva talks. I want this to turn into something positive and concrete but we can't believe until it happens.

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The only thing that's going to come from these Geneva Talks in a good laugh for Putin. Dealing with Biden is a joke. Russia walks away with everything from the candy store, while the US doesn't even get the garbage wrappers.

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I am sure that's what happened! Can't get too optimistic about clown meetings.

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They know it is a ruse. Nothing comes of this.

If anything happens, it will be hammered out in back room deals by professional negotiators.

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So I think all this is just a show of their happy dance. There is a different story running in the background.

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I hope they can find a diplomatic solution to the whole thing but it's hard to imagine something good coming out of those two. We'll have to wait and see I guess

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Yea I do but I don't think things are looking good. Especially when Biden was fumbling over the past few days.

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Biden is pathetic. An absolute embarrassment to the United States. Plus he's too busy giving all the cookies from the jar away for free.

Say, what you may about Trump, but at least he put America First, unlike the present Bozo living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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I woke up to see an article about France talking at Biden and he did nothing. He is definitely pathetic.

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When isnt he fumbling?

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Almost never. The media always talks for him if you aren't watching him in a video.

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After the US media made Russia the boogeyman for four years, I dont see why Putin will do anything to appease the US. At this point, I think he really could care less about the Americans.

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I dont know what they will do with nuclear but the two of them make me laugh. Putin is 100x smarter than Biden. Vlad would each his lunch in negotiations.

Fortunately,Jumpin' Joe is just a puppet.

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I would love to see all nuclear weapons around the world dismantled. They are useless except for ensuring mutual destruction.

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